Prior to the opening of this forum, Amazing Charts hosted a user board for anyone who wanted to use it. It was similar in that everyone helped each other, asked questions, shared ideas, etc. Users made suggestions and recommendations to AC. Of course, users also complained about support both in general and specifically. Amazing Charts support technicians would come on the board and try to help. Chris Conrad would post about new features coming down the pike and future versions which would take care of bugs.

Amazing Charts, unlike many other EMR companies apparently felt that users should be allowed to have both positive and negative posts on the board. In fact, it could be taken as a positive to prospective customers when they perused the board. They would take it as a good thing that AC felt so good about their product that they were fine with being completely transparent.

Over time, the negativity and disparaging remarks about Amazing Charts became more prevalent. Statements were made by AC users about AC that when read by prospective customers would be enough to make them look in another direction. This was the main reason AC did not choose to keep the user board when they changed servers.

At a great deal of expense and time, I decided to host a forum for the users for the sole purpose of sharing ideas and asking questions and commenting about both medical and non-medical issues. It was also a forum which would allow for candid discussions about some of the problems with AC. We were fortunate that some of AC's support team followed the board and tried to help with issues. Chris Conrad, product manager for AC, has been present on the board quite frequently giving feedback and keeping users apprised of new developments with the EMR as well as specifications users must meet to work with vendors such as NewCrop.

When I was the admin of the AC-hosted user board, I would monitor posts and look for issues with profanity or flame wars, etc. I never edited or deleted posts that were critical of AC as I didn't feel that was my role.

Here it is a little different. I do not want our forum to turn into what the previous board did. I am not saying one can't be critical of AC. But, there is a limit. Comments that when taken at face value would drive customers away from AC do not belong here. And, direct comments aimed at specific AC employees by name will be deleted.

Brewer, Maine