I have had a bit different experience with AC in the Cloud, and much more positive than sanp, but my understanding is that I could reverse to local AC at any time if I was unhappy. I in fact had a partner who did not like AC in the Cloud and did that.
I recently got a new chromebook that is much nicer than my old lap top. I am able to carry my chromebook into the exam rooms (2) and by using VNC viewer made for chrome keep my desktop AC open because my chromebook is my simulated desktop. I can also use microsoft RDP on my chromebook which if I had my desktop AC open would kick out. But I use RDP chromebook at home or at the office if I lose electricity+-internet. The chromebook via RDP works very well and I can use Updox (web based) and function as well as I can on my desktop, except I cannot use Medical Dragon One on my chromebook. So I just got the RDP chromebook up and running today.
If I were not in the Cloud with AC I would not be able to use the chromebook this way. I have envisioned the potential to use the chromebook this way for quite sometime but finally got to this point and very happy with being able to use it in and out of the office this way.
I am not posting this to take away from sanp's experience just giving another perspective is all.