When clients have moved to us from AC, it has been the ENC file, or literally pulling down the DB files once the database is stopped.

The larger the practice, the more time it takes to bring down all of the imported items. We typically do it over a period of days, so that once we hit the final cut-over, the transition can be made overnight.

There are multiple reasons why folks come to us, the three largest being control of your configuration, the version, and our responsiveness. We regularly have clients who have different software they want installed on the same instance, or have a version they like, and don't like being non-consenting software testers.

Properly planned, moving to our managed environment, or to a server in your office is a straightforward and drama-free experience that we have a decade of experience in performing.

We have transitioned practice data To and From many other systems and/or AC. Over the last decade, we have integrated with most other EMR systems. The limits are always the system/vendor, not our expertise.

Bottomline, the data is yours, and there are new options coming online later this year so that Physicians/Practices are no longer dependent on vendors allowing them access to their data and rent-seeking.


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