Where? I do not see a signout tab in the right upper corner. Signout in the remote desktop AC window? Or in the password manager? In the task bar? Maybe you are a beta tester? I would love to have one, my life would be so much better.
I hate Athena. I actually used it before. I will do my best to not use the nuclear option. I am currently developing a new process to deal with the pdf issue. Want to see how cumbersome it is for the staff.
One thing about the pdf issue is that the imports / pdf items I am trying to combine are already imported into AC, I am just combining pdf already imported within AC to create a package to send to the insurance. I am not talking about adding pages that have not been imported to AC and currently reside in my local computer to something already imported in AC in their remote server. I can see where that would be an issue. It really should not be an issue. Alas, I have been shut down without further discussion.
Last edited by gcarcamo; 01/09/2020 12:48 PM.