Problem solved! Not sure it's an 11.2 issue but after the upgrade, we ran into a problem with C-II stimulants. Now you are required to enter the number of days the Rx is for. If you try to prescribe a new Rx before that 30 day Rx, up pops a dialog box that says it's too soon. Then along comes the nationwide Adderall shortage (which took the FDA over a month to announce) and pharmacies and patients are calling saying this or that pharmacy doesn't have that dose or anything but 10mg. Then when you try to switch the unfilled but sent EPCS script to another pharmacy it's denied because it's too soon even though it was never filled at the first pharmacy. You can try a different dose (2-27mg Concerta tabs for 1-54mg tab) and can work. My NP Carolyn discovered the workaround by using the Quick Script Writer I have never used. After entering new or clicking on existing med, click the Quick Script Writer button and go through "death by 7 clicks" and change the default from 1 to 0 refills it will pop up in the Pending Medication window and no more denial due to too soon.
I am copying this workaround to AC tech support along with this suggestion: I find tech support difficult to access and several times unable to solve the problem, sometimes as serious as the inability to prescribe. The update to 11.2 should have been more thoroughly done rather than our practice becoming an unknowing beta tester. In addition, you should bring back the AC Users Forum and post it on your website to help users find solutions and you should monitor it daily or at least weekly. You should also send out emails or texts like Updox does if something goes down, there's a serious error, etc. It's frustrating to connect to tech support, hear that several other practices have had an issue with something I'm having without that being sent out to the users.
I sent this via email and in the Recommended Improvements tab under Help and will set my sundial and stone calendar to see if and when I get a response.