I get what you are saying, but I may need to clarify my statement. Back when things were really bad and I was considering changing EMRSs (keep in mind one of my goals before retirement has been to upgrade to an EMR online that formats better and has more bells and whistles. There are many EMRs that when you enter weight and height, it produces a nice tablet of weight before, weight now, weight changed, % loss or increase, conversion to pounds/ounces automatically, etc.

Don't get me wrong. For the price especially in the beginning and for pure documentation speed, AC is tough to beat. I won't comment on other things.

But, I digress. When I looked at say, Athena. They would say what EMR do you come from. And, if you say AC, they would say oh they are tough to work with in exchanging data. And, list others that area easier. This is just a hypothetical example that came up with others, but I use Athena here.

So, the spark plugs are indeed different. The amount of working together nicely isn't always the same.

Brewer, Maine