It is tough to give a good answer because we each function in our particular silos and rarely get to see other docs working on their EMR, which is the only really good way to see that functionality. In addition, I am a GI specialist, so I have very different needs than the primary care docs.

Off the top of my head, here are a few. (And btw, AC is aware of these, as we have been asking for them, in some cases for a decade).

1. The ability to easily insert labs and other results into the body of the note.

2. Formatting options, as Bert mentions. The ability to make notes look like you want them to look.

3. Other EMR's have integrated portals for patient access and communication that are far more functional and well-integrated than Updox which has its benefits but is crudely duct-taped on to AC.

4. A more flexible and rigorous system to remind primary care providers of the long and growing list of recommendations/mandates required for patient care these days

5. A quick and reliable ERx component.

6. A letter writer that functions more like Word 2022 than Word 1998.

I can come up with more with a little thought. I am sure others can as well.


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