Obviously (I think anyway...) I've been busy with life especially, kids, coaching hockey, our practice (uugghhh!!!) and mostly my own self in terms of attempting to get my "Me" back. Life got especially rough, with similar over exposure to different "traumatising" things, no other way to put it but pretty much a triple exposure, one super bad daily like for 3/4's of a year, and two others concurrent on and off for a year or two.... two I speak of publically with little hesitation while the other is deeply personal and only a select few folks know some or much of the details.... Nothing physical I wasn't jumped or attacked nor was I in a war zone thank goodness, but none the less it really is basically PTSD and it has kicked the [censored] out of me like almost nothing else could have....

And is this gift that keeps giving too in many ways both in my not doing what I need to for my life, our lives business wise and family wise at times, as well as I have developed at least one all too real physical aliment that was not present only 3 years ago. Yes it may be genetic to some extent but I seriously doubt it would have been "Triggered" had it not been for the horrible experiences and the constant emotional termoil.... I now have UC, Ulcerative Colitis that at first was more than a bit treatment resistant but is finally coming around quite nicely with access to a better, Generic in Canada for years, only this year here in the states Medicine.... Endocort EC, Budesinide EC, 3 mgs capsules, times 3 daily.... Properly time released Steroids right in the large intestine right where you need it with only 9-21% absorbtion into the main bloodstream, so very little if any steroid side effects like the predisone I am finally weening down from very slowly.... Really Bad Headaches and respritory side effects in allergy season like mad.... Symbacort for the lungs and Spray up the Schnoz... But my gut feels great most days now and no bleeding at all for like 8 months or more too....

I strongly recommend this Med to all of you who treat folks with UC as it puts the steroid RIGHT where it is needed, at the Illium and ready to head downstream to coat the inside of the entire large intestine... And all without having them do what has happened to me and my body the last 10 months or so because the salizides and I don't agree with one another.... It is a blessing. Our fairly new Crestor Rep told me about it going generic as we started to gab about other things one day.... She has a Liver Auto Immune problem and she takes the stuff too.... As it gets taken up by the Liver, and right out it goes... So it is the perfectly delivered oral med for UC and Liver problems that would benefit from a steriod treatment it seems.... I have read about many cases that eventually were able to tapper down to one or two pills only once or twice a week, one a week or even completely off of it with long stretches of remission, so fingers crossed here.... And I am taking a good amount of (billions of litte boogers per dose) some of the better shown to help Probiotics too... 30 Billion of the stinkers daily and since bumping up to the 30 from about 10-13 again another level of interesting improvement too... Almost frighteningly normal... I almost am affraid to Jinx myself after the last couple of years I have had.... Like there is light at the end of the tunnel here finally...

So my FP and Nancy both agree that the predisone probably has a good amount to do with my feeling so weird and bad for so long and that weening down ain't no picnic either.... So it is hard to know what is the whole Steroid trip thing, verses what is the former problem being sticky and resistant as well... So my FP and I agree that I need to do the weening down first to see how I feel and am after all of that is over and done with the steroids....

So is that enough garbage for ya???? I'm sorry to spew but it just sort of was there and came on out of my talkative fingers....

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"The Insurance Industry is a Legalized CARTEL"