Jimmie country man at heart and his love for animals still with him...most caring and sentimental doc of the month.
David been preaching ...go rural where people still depend on each others and patients love you more, a basket full of veggies and eggs would be ok in exchange for copay.
'Kill my day' patients more frequent visits in our clinic. ... Docs could make same kind of money with lesser stress practicing rural but to many we could not stand such simplicity lifestyles. I just saw Imax 3D Avengers and going to see Battleships probably tomorrow. Sneaking out of office for couple hours might seem a good young fun. ....Working solo has its advantages.. ever try to block out half a day to enjoy playing golf alone... my doc would never do that, patients to care for priority one or to improve practice revenues, saving college funds ...
My visual of medicine practice using med booths to accommodate newer rules based practice plus lacking of courteous attitude. People changes for the worse so the passion of care should become the techno of body fixing, programming medicine might be more effective in treating difficult patients and create lesser stress on docs. Detachment is key to survive emotionally. Doc could refer ready to let go patients to medical booth and practice best medicine on his others. Patient could also do same. Same as ATM services. Quick and efficient.