It is interesting to see how everyone does it differently. I do disagree though with the assumption that if you finish your note in the room, that you aren't paying attention to the patient. I glance at a VERY well done CC and HPI by my MA and then take a more thorough HPI. I then examine the patient and decide on my impression and plan. It is only when I have listened intently to the patient, examined the patient and discussed options, etc. do I turn to the computer and write out the HPI, use a template for the exam (as David does), then enter my impression and plan.

One nice thing about my MA taking the history is she knows they are here for a sinus infection. When they start talking about foot pain, she stops right there and makes an appointment for them or tells them I probably won't be able to deal with that. Now if they say their left ear hurts, I will look at that.

I don't let the patient go on and on. I just tell them it sounds like we need more time for that in order to treat it correctly.

I also like to be finished and walk the patient down the hall. It's a nice touch.

I also agree that time between patients is time I want to spend on other things or answering messages with my MA.

You're most welcome, Marty.

Brewer, Maine