If you have an MA who you can actually trust to take the subjective, that can really help with time. But if they can't do that properly, it can make it worse.

Templates are your friend.

For a while, you may have to reduce the number of patients just to let her get some relaxation and a few good nights sleep. Or you may have to pick one day during the week when you close at 1PM (or you're not open) assuming you are not already doing this. She can catch up on charts at a relaxed pace, or just watch TV and shop. But she MUST get some down time. If you are not exaggerating about the crash, cancel all patients for this Friday and take another long weekend.

Get patient's pharmacies and while she is in the room she can quickly send the RX the pharmacy.

Make up a policy statement and provide to each patient. In this statement, clearly state that for all Rx Renewals they must come in, you will not autorenew from a pharmacy telephone call, and will not call in renewals on weekends. Tell them to be sure to give adequet time to come in for an appointment for the renewals. We did that a couple of years ago (at my insistance after seeing some other doctor's policy statements) and our weekend calls for Rx renewals dropped by some huge percentage. We don't get them anymore now. Well, maybe once a month.

New York, NY
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