Chris, I did post this earlier but here is my office environment: Server and all client PCs have Windows 10 Pro, all hard wired, have at least 8 Gig RAM and running AC 10.2. The problem started occurring about 6 months ago. I don't remember if we had any issue before we upgraded to AC 10.2 on 08/302019. The PCs that have the issue have new Windows 10 installs. Some PCs had Windows 7 Pro and they started having the crashes when they were upgraded to Windows 10 Pro. I got rid of all of them, bought 10 new PCs, they all have fresh Windows 10 installs. I have checked the systems for Windows corrupt files and am not getting any errors. The hardware scans do not return any errors either. Most of the PCs have Intel I5 processors with built in graphics. The error happens on all "New installs of Windows 10 Pro and New install of AC 10.2" with both practitioners in the practice. There are a couple of PCs that were upgraded to Windows 10 Pro a while ago and ran past versions of AC and they do not crash. Windows event monitor registers "gdi32full.dll" errors. There are no other known issues with those PCs and other applications work fine. The crash does not happen the first thing in the morning. But happens randomly from mid morning (~10AM) onwards. When AC is restarted, I am able to at least take care of one patients prescriptions on that client PC and it does not crash again. I have not tried working on a different patient after finishing one set of prescriptions to see if it recurs.
My staff has also repeated complained of "run time 91" errors while scheduling appointments. That has been an issue with AC since we started using it in 2005. Our database is large, there are 16 client PCs, and 7 active users at any time.
I understand your points. It is not easy to fix a problem if they do not know what is causing it. At the same time, I had to stop working on those client PCs in rooms because crashes waste so much time. I walk back to one room that does not return errors to finish my work. Since the problem started, I have spent hours, working on my own (several windows directory / file system checks, running recoveries, Windows re-installs, reinstalling drivers, all the software, trying different fixes/ reaching out to AC support and Dell Tech support). GA support blamed the problem on my PCs and I spent almost 4k on replacing all client PCs. And here I am, stuck with the same problem and dealing with daily frustration. I suspect there is incompatibility somewhere in AC coding, Windows 10 and built in processor graphics. As soon as AC opens the script writer button is clicked, the AC window turns white and the program crashes.