We continue to to evaluate potential causes. Development has requested that we try disabling the preference for the system to "Automatically check interactions when first loading medications page". This is found under User Preferences -> Prescriptions-> in the General Medication Settings, just uncheck the top box if it is checked. If your are experiencing the crashing, and it's already unchecked then that would tell us that it won;t make a difference. Please reply here if that is the case. Otherwise please uncheck that box and let us know if you experience an improvement. It's just a theory and helps us narrow down the potential problem areas. You may also uncheck the second box and see if that make a difference but this will disable interaction checking during prescribing if you find that information useful when prescribing. Both of these preferences manage web calls out to 3rd parties and by unchecking them you eliminate that overhead. It may even speed things up a bit.