I have had problems with logging in with IE myself. I now rarely use IE because I will log in, go back to a post I want to comment on and.... I'm not logged in. ONLY happens in IE. just another reason I have been weaned off IE.

Healthy, wireless works. Most of us here do not like it because it simply is not as reliable and it is slower. It does seem that your issue is a networking problem and not AC. My system is WAYYY less competent (older dual cores and quad cores as servers) but works well. There any many on the forum who have successfully used wireless. Didn't work well for me when I tried it as extensions.

While you state you would change in a heartbeat, your money was spent on hardware more so than software. What you spent on software for AC would probably be less than the yearly maintenance costs of many EMRs. If you achieve meaningful use, there will be no outlay for equipment, I can't address the lost efficiency. While true of many EMRs, I don't have that issue.

I have been using it for so long it seems I have always worked that way. I can tell you I can see 25-30 people a day and have completed charting on everyone.

I will not beat you over the head about the fact we are users not staff of AC. Everyone else has made that abundantly clear. I don't know what your interactions have been with AC support, but I have never found them rude or unhelpful when I have called.

Again, I think you need to have your IT person look at your network. What you describe is NOT typical of AC. If you cannot solve the problem, I suspect you will have the same issues with any other EMR.

Pediatrician in Chicago

The patient's expectation is that you have all the answers, sometimes they just don't like the answer you have for them