Hi Donna,

Like you, I think my broken collar bone ought to hurt like the dickens, but it doesn't.

One doctor wondered off-hand if there might be nearly invisible scar tissue bridging the original gap in my collar bone, so I suppose he could be goaded into speculating about new scar tissue spanning the new gap.


But even if there's nothing connecting the three pieces of my collar bone, it doesn't hurt when I wave my pitifully small dumb-bell through three daily sets of eight exercises, ten to twenty times each, overhead, to the side, out in front, and so on.

Maybe a heavier dumb-bell will wake my collar bone up. Or the back-stroke.


Meanwhile, my right leg gives abrupt, ugly twinges with 75% of my weight, but today I put 25% of my weight on my left leg without any trouble, possibly due to a handsome knee brace, a crutch under my left arm, the edge of my bed, and some unknown weight on my right leg.

Matt the Physical Therapist is afraid to let me try my simpler scheme to dangle from the ceiling in a parachute harness until my right foot touches the weight scale, claiming that he has no parachute harness handy--a feeble excuse!


Carl Fogel