Good news and bad.


Good news first.

My asymmetrically enlarged nether regions have succumbed to anti-biotics.

My younger sister made an agent at the KePro appeals company so mad that the agent began reading their chart for my case aloud over the phone to my sister to prove that nothing was wrong.

The agent hit a spot where I turned into a patient with another name right there in the text, some lucky fellow who can walk and climb stairs.

So several embarrassed bureaucrats are apologizing and straightening things out. No one knows how the other patient's notes got into my chart, but then two doctors reviewed it during appeals and noticed nothing odd.

My left arm is now officially okay, so my Occupational Therapist pounced and has me waving shamefully small weights.


Bad news is another week before toe-touch weight bearing with my right leg, four more weeks and maybe start weight-bearing on the left leg with a brace to stop sideways wobble.

Hand specialist noticed two bone fragments have worked out of the elbow's capitellum, but at least they're not in a bad place and can be left alone for now.

"For now" is eight weeks to the next appointment, when he expects to schedule surgery to debride scar tissue, release some ligaments, and maybe remove the errant fragments.

Meanwhile, he's sending my OT a RAS dynamic arm splint that she'll get to crank up slowly for eight weeks in hopes of straightening my arm.

She likes the idea of a dynamic splint even better than the eight left-arm weight-exercises she printed with pictures for me.