
I am glad to hear the good news about the man parts.

What extraordinary incompetence at the insurance review, how could have multiple people fail to notice that the records were not yours? Well, hopefully they will stop bothering you about discharge.

Good to hear that there are some improvements in your abilities, however small. This is such a long process to recover because of the severity of your injuries. I hope your are finding enough distractions to pass the time.

Here we are in the midst of the massive cicada emergence, it is quite amazing. Unfortunately, there have been multiple reports of dead birds, and birds with neurologic problems. It is postulated that they are people who are trying to kill the cicadas with insecticides and in turn, poisoning the birds. I don’t understand why people can’t leave them alone, they’re only here for a few weeks every 17 years. And they provide a tremendous source of nutrition for wildlife, to say nothing of pets.
