Slip ups? Please, the hyphen is our friend! I can only pray that its omission was a typo!
With that out of my system, on to more serious matters.
The internet informs me that the great circle route from my temporary residence in Littleton to stately Fogel manor in Pueblo is 113 miles.
My electric wheelchair claims a 24-hour charge.
When I retract the footrests, lower the seat, and put the back upright, a little fiddling with the wheelchair's controls allows a blazing outdoor top speed of 3.8 mph (3.7 mph against the winds on the gentle uphills).
(Naturally, I shift down to the 2.3 mph indoor speed-range inside the facility to spare the lives of innocent staff.)
Unfortunately,24 hours x 3.8 miles per hour gives me a distance of only 91.2 miles, give or take a few furlongs, far short of the required 113 miles.
Drop tanks solved this range problem for P-51's escorting bombers over Germany, but wheelchair technology is still in its infancy.
So instead of escaping, I'll have to stay where I am and let Maddi the Occupational Therapist bend and straighten my arm with the frankly medieval dynamic arm splint whenever it arrives.