Hi Bert,

Yes, the Miralax comes with the Lovenox injection for blood clots--tastes about the same as water.

Despite all the stool softeners and good intentions, an impaction cunningly hid from the medical staff.

Apparently, enough straining can force some stuff to ooze around an impaction and fool everyone except the patient into thinking that there's no problem. The patient, of course, knows that no matter what has emerged, there's still a burning baseball stuck in the exit.

Eventually, enough complaining led to someone trying a suppository, which failed, and then an enema, which succeeded.

Then the whole damn thing jammed up again, but the medical staff was on to its tricks now and administered milk of magnesia, so the dam burst about an hour later.

If nothing else, these intestinal follies kept my mind off the orthopedic adventures.


Carl Fogel