When I chose AC, I had done a significant amount of research and NEVER heard anything about Praxis. I was pretty proud of myself having even found AC. THIS TIME, I had already decided on two other EMRs before ever hearing ANYTHING about Praxis. The only reason I didn't choose the other two (Jane / CERBO) was because they hadn't been certified by CMS yet. Both were very similar template based EMRs but much more refined than AC with a LOT more enthusiasm about advancing their respective platforms.

I know Praxis is not perfect. I also KNOW that no EMR will be perfect but...... They have a mission and they literally have plans to change the practice of medicine and I am having trouble seeing how they can't accomplish their goal.

The people in the KNOW have been saying for years that TESLA was going to collapse on itself and implode like a dwarf star but....... others didn't so much have faith in TESLA as they had faith in Elon and they could see the map that he was creating and they had a good idea that he was going to follow that map to fruition. They stuck with him even when ALL of Wallstreet was telling people to dump TESLA stock and now who's laughing.

I broke my crystal ball last summer so I would never proclaim to have knowledge of the future, at least not without it but, I'm stickin' by Praxis and Richard Low, partly because I see the possibilities born out of the flexibility of what he has created but also simply because I have never met someone so compelled to not only impact the lives of patients but the whole of what has become a broken skeleton of a profession where providers have lost sight of what it REALLY means to be a PHYSICIAN because today, our profession REQUIRES all of your attention just to keep you head above water.

I see the possibilities with Praxis. I see what can be. I am confident that Richard Low, M.D. is committed to seeing his creation impact our profession maximally and I believe he will not stop until that happens.

I bought a Model Y in December. Is it because the fit and finish is second to none? Is it because the car is track ready? Is it because it's negative impact on the environment is a perfect NET ZERO, OR could it be that I have bought into what Elon Musk is doing and I can see that he has a vision and that I want to be part of THAT???

I can assure you that I would have thought a little harder if Elon had not been at the helm, even with all of his antics!!!!!

I may regret my decision to go ALL IN with Richard Low and Praxis but ....... I SERIOUSLY DOUBT IT!!!!! I choose not to get caught up in what others are saying about other EMRs and because I know that Docs are guilty of throwing the baby out with the bathwater if they think it will make it even the slightest bit easier on them RIGHT NOW because we are STARVED for our most precious commodity, TIME. I also know that Docs tend not to see the big picture or play the long game. That Model Y is my garage because I'm playing the long game. Praxis is my EMR because I'm playing the TIME SAVING, PATIENT ADVOCATING, PROGRESSIVELY IMPROVING QUALITY OF MEDICINE, MEDICO-LEGALLY SAFER long game. I'm all in. How many, talking about other EMRs, feel that way about their EMR???

There's a reason Praxis is rated as highly as it is AND IT'S ONLY GOING TO GET BETTER!!!!

Last edited by TheSnowDO; 01/29/2021 9:49 PM.

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