
I'm not sure.

When I saw that I could insert discreet selectable variables throughout the note that could be searched.....

When I saw that the construction of each note is built layer by layer that can be placed on the note or removed from the note layer by layer.....

When I saw what the current iteration of "Agents" was capable of as far as creating reminders or alarms for not only future notes but also applicable to closed notes.....

When I saw the power of his search protocols and after watching Dr. Low literally search EVERYTHING we challenged him to search.....

I dove in head first.

Not only because of what I saw but a huge part of my decision was based on my discussions with Dr. Low and the INTEGRITY he presented with throughout those discussions and continues to display.

I also saw Praxis as an EXTREMELY POWERFUL tool to accomplish ambulatory evidentiary outcome based research which my specialty sorely needs..... to be able to show Pediatricians across the country why the FIRST REFERRAL for latching issues, sleeping issues, colic, recurrent ear infections, respiratory issues, reflux, recurrent UTIs, developmental delays, learning disorders, seizures AND MORE need to be to a qualified Traditional Osteopath who practices 100% Osteopathic Manipulation, BEFORE being referred anywhere else, ESPECIALLY for myringotomies. ALL of which are difficult to construct research studies to validate or even collect and parse enough ambulatory data to meet standards of, even outcome based research.

When I say that this EHR is going to change medicine.... I honestly believe that!!!!!

ALL while making our lives medico-legally safer, ensuring that we are practicing the best, EVOLVING, medicine we can all practice and giving us back our most precious commodity........

I would contact them and ask.

I have to admit that taking into account the complexity and flexibility of this program this is not really something you can take to a sandbox and play with without direct supervision. It's kind of like learning how to drive in a Bugatti Chiron. This program is so incredibly flexible and in that vein very very complex and even if you have to go back for multiple tours and ask Dr. Low to slow down to help you understand, THIS EHR IS WORTH EVERY SECOND OF TIME YOU WILL SPEND INVESTIGATING IT.

Still available if anyone wants to speak to me


Using the #1 Customer Satisfaction Rated EHR available TODAY!!


If you would like to discuss why.... ( I have no professional or financial affiliation with InforMed, ONLY that of being a Very Happy User )

I can be reached at....

Adirondack Osteopathy, PLLC
17 Miller Drive
Crown Point, New York 12928

Office: 518-526-9996
Fax: 518-240-4172


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