He never writes...He never calls! Ok I can't dispute that AC's went dark on this board of late and in general for quite a while now. There's no excuse so I won't try to invent something other than to say my attention has been directed elsewhere.
Let's catch up on where we're at and what's ahead for AC.
Version 11 is about to release in a week and I'll be posting the links on the portal for self service. W have ~ 100 practices running version 11 and it looks good...a very quirky things we're still trying to nail down but overall it looks good. There will be No Midmark interfaces in the version we GA. We have to recode that section which was the source of the crashing that plagued us for much of last year (contributing to the delays and silence) That version will be available later this summer.
This remains a MANDATORY RELEASE. Surescripts will reject all electronic prescriptions as of 9.1.2021. We are strongly advocating everyone update prior to 8.1 to give us a month buffer. Anyone who waits till after 8/1 risks a delay in assistance from us in the event of a problem.
Wonder what we've been doing for AC enhancement lately? Not much for the past year. We've again been focusing on regulator issues and we still have a ways to go. But covid delayed the ONC deadline till end of next year so we have time to slip in a nice enhancement release for you. We've had the list on ice for a while, some way back to version 9 which didn't make the cut back then. There's more to come. I have quite a list of enhancements suggestions that have come in over the years but these were some of the more frequent requests and ones we were able to accommodate within our timetables.
I need to be transparent and say we do not have a definitive release date, this is a work in process. And it's possible that not all of what I have below will make the 1st cut for this year but that is the plan today. I am usually hesitant to announce plans like this until I'm more confident in the timetable. I'll also be adding this to the 11.1 release notes to demonstrate our continued commitment toward AC.
- E-Prescribing Controlled Meds from within AC - No more Newcrop screens
- Expanded Prescription Favorites even more
- Patient flow tracking...is patient checked in, roomed, awaiting check out
- Enhanced Referring Provider Search
- Appt Scheduling Provider display enhancements (selective options)
- Highlight Unread Messages in BOLD
- Letter Writer forced sign off overrides
- Add Medication History from Newcrop in Current Meds
- Add Diagnosis search for Assessment in Enlarged text Box
- Multi-Facility Location Billing Options
- Spell Checking for Addendums
- Enhancements for integration between Amazing Charts and CareTracker PM
- AC Inbox Messages to ALL users, not just Group Box
- Various Structural and environmental enhancements to update the technology stack
- PDMP interfaces for the gap states we don't do today with Appriss
- Some ONC CURES CCDA enhancements for next years regulatory mandates.