What is the purpose of mapping anyway, I am a bit annoyed that can't even write a new Rx until mapping is done, why do I get the impression that it is a setting that can be turned off by someone in AC Land and the forced mapping completion is due to other reasons. I could be off base.
To map each patient's medications that you had in pre v12 database to the new database in v12. It is a pain but there really is no way around it, unless you don't plan on writing any medications from the prior medication list in every established patient. Think of mapping as medication reconciliation between 2 different databases. The main gripe we are having... there are subtle differences in a great many medications that could have been auto mapped and saved us a lot of time and effort....."oral" being one of them. It is annoying but once it is completed, never have to do it again, unless AC changes medication database in the future.