thanks to everyone for documenting their experience.
4) I feel more people talking about doing patient-by-patient. Does anyone have any experience with the mass mapping? I can only imagine how many meds our 3 provider practice would have after 15 years or so, but I'd venture in the 1000s. So if it really was a 3000+ mapping job, could I set it up to go when I leave work, and have it finished the next morning? And if for those meds unable to be mapped, could you still go back and clean it up later patient by patient, or are you forced to reconcile then and there? (So tempted to let it take how many hours it would need overnight, but trying to avoid accidentally paralyzing the office when we walk in the next day).
"mass mapping" is not like you described. You map every one of them on one screen, one at a time...not like a one click and come back later. The reason why everyone is mapping patient by patient, is because there are Thousands of meds to map depending on how big the practice is or how many providers. I am 1 provider and have had AC since 2009 and I have 2500+ meds. I map either all patients for that day or each time I eRxn. It sucks because there are obvious matches that could have been done without human intervention. i.e. "oral" in one database but not listed "oral" in other database with all other med name exactly the same. Good luck.