Took the plunge. They want to charge quite a bit to do this upgrade but if you have done other upgrades it is pretty similar. The difference is with the drug database. They recommend doing in on a patient by patient basis, similar to codifying. That makes prescription writing take more time if you are writing scripts with the patient in the room. My suggestion would be to go to the refill page and do any needed migrations prior to seeing the patient or any time you have to reply to a message about the patient or sign off an imported item. One migrations are done for a particular patient it does not have to be done again. Have to be VERY careful because there are many similar variations of the same medication. For some items no match is found and they cannot be e-prescribed. Like the option to change the pharmacy on the TRANSMIT page (instead of saying "oops" and having to go back to change the pharmacy on the prior page) as well as seeing the pharmacy address on the TRANSMIT page. Also notes written on the prescriptions are showing up in the message again. Otherwise so far so good.
Last edited by doctheo88; 05/14/202410:57 AM.
Theo A. Stephens, MD Internal Medicine, Baltimore, MD