OK, as promised, I will try to add something. Maybe even if it is wrong, it may provide a little light. I feel worse now that I read Wendell's post, lol.
Les, in general if someone states something like "server," it means YOUR server name. I generally will put something like "server_name" to avoid confusion. A username such as "username" many times can be used just by itself, so if my username were Bert, I may put bert, followed by my password beneath it. Sometimes a domain is a little pickier and wants the domain name first such as \\domain_name\bert\
Now, my info. And, again, it sounds like A) Wendell got the answer directly from AC, and B) once again I am jumping in here, so I may be way off base.
But, it would seem from reading the Backup program, the first thing they want you to do is to be doing all of this on your main computer. Once there, you open the Backup program and click on Advanced.
![[Linked Image from ]](/ub/attachments/usergals/2012/10/full-4-373-change_logon.jpg)
Under Automatic Backup, you will see a bold paragraph and the user that is currently being used. As we have talked about, it should say LocalSystem, which is what it is running un. What they are referring to and they aren't very clear on is the Amazing Charts Service responsible for allowing scheduled backups to run. Now you can go directly to the service and change it, but it is easier to click on Change Logon, and it will then provide you a place for your username, domain and password. First, you are at a decided disadvantage without a domain, but I suppose you could use workgroup. But, generally, they want the NAME of your domain. Domains allow for single signon meaning once you log into your computer, you have access to everything on the network (that is what your domain admin gives you permissions for). This isn't possible for workgroups. Now, maybe it works, because it seems to work for Wendell.
![[Linked Image from ]](/ub/attachments/usergals/2012/10/full-4-374-logon.jpg)
Here you see the area where you can change the logon. I have no idea why I covered my username, lol. But, you see the user account, domain and password. There is nowhere in that field for the name of your computer. It is looking for:
1. user account: If you log into the main computer with Fred Smith or fsmith, then that is what goes there.
2. Domain: There you would put your domain name such as "riverside"
3. Then your password. I know you said you didn't have passwords. In general, as you no doubt have been told, is a bad idea. First, it violates HIPAA. If not now, it will. Second, the password is the single best defense against hackers. If I were a hacker, I would guess Les or LesMD, etc. No password is easy to guess. Your outside IP address can be lots of places such as email and many programs and other ways. I would guess that 20 people at least have my IP address. There are many ways on the Internet to find it. But, when the hacker gets to my server, then find a very strong password that is NOT anywhere near in the dictionary. It is random. Anyway, I will get off my soapbox. But, as you can see, you need a password to make yourself a user account for the service. Every time you try to save it, it will ask you for a proper password.
Anyway, I do this all the time. I prefer to do manual backups and yet I tried for about two hours on this automated once. To be honest, lol, I didn't have much luck, although I did succeed once. Then again, you guys have been working with it for a while.
Hope this helps. Probably a bit waste of time.

(For me, I mean as again, this may not be what you were looking for at all).