I have been using the UPDOX NETWORK for about 6wks now. I can see the utility of what the new group is doing. That said, I am setting up the old UPDOX DESKTOP (MIADOC) to bridge the risks of the hightech start-up (UPDOX NETWORK) business risks......They have almost duplicated document management of the old UPDOX DESKTOP but their cost structure is way out there. Especially since the onebox account cost me about 20 dollars a month and MIADOC cost 29 dollars for the software. I do beleive there is a roll for desktop and network document management. It would be nice if JON (AC) could allow MIADOC (old desktop updox) to integrate more with the new AC 4.0. MIADOC/OLD UPDOX has saved me a fortune in operation costs and Daryl Strickland (miadoc) is a quality/cost efficient driven IT developer.