I am posting this in case it is of interest and may help someone else down the road...
The docs in our office were on staycation this week, but checking in daily. Everything was fine with AC when the staff left at 4:30 Thursday. Friday morning, no one could connect to the AC database and the "server" on our peer-to-peer network looked like this....
![[Linked Image from reviversoft.com]](https://www.reviversoft.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/critical_process_died_windows_8.png)
Unfortunately the computer kept cycling through restarts, never advancing beyond that screen.
My staff called me and then left an urgent message for AC at 8:30AM. We got a call back from Clare from Guardian Angels in about 15 minutes. We quickly decided the best approach was to move the SQL/database version of AC to one of our client computers, and reinstall/restore from there. My understanding was that we needed AC to "provision" the client which is one reason we needed to get in touch with support urgently. Claire quickly got to work doing the uninstall/reinstall for us.
For backups I use IDrive which is super cheap, and allows both local and online incremental backups of multiple machines. The bad news is that at some point my online IDrive backups of the server stopped working and I didn't pay attention to that failure. Perhaps this was when we upgraded last month to V11. Fortunately, we had local backups. In 2011 I purchased
this IoSafe drive. It has been chugging along silently for 10 years, storing (and auto-deleting) automated daily back-ups. I use it for a daily copy of my enc file of AC, and I back-up my Imported Items daily as well (separately) to this local drive (connected directly to the "server"). The backups to the external drive were fine, so we could simply plug it into the new "server" and restore the enc file. Imported items took longer because a). Our Imported Items are gigantic (over 135gb) and b). they are encrypted by IDrive for the incremental backups. As a result, the "restore" process took about 4 hours.
When all was said and done, we were up and running by 4PM. Luckily this happened on a vacation day for the docs, so the impact on patient care was minimal. We did lose Thursday's data... the backups were not scheduled until 9PM and the crash presumably occurred between 430 and 9, so the day's work was not included.
Take home messages for us from the event...
1. I always felt that in case of a crash like this, an advantage of a P2P set-up was the ability to make a relatively easy switch like this without an immediate need for new hardware (and the inherent delay and cost that would entail). This proved to be true.
2. AC provided superb support. It was VERY prompt (despite our concerns that there might be ongoing support "overload" due to the recent mandatory upgrade). Clare is knowledgeable, super competent, friendly and calm. She was a tremendous help.
3. Local and online backups, with redundancy, make a huge difference. Even though I was remiss regarding the failed online II backups, having a local one saved the day.
4. Backup software does not have to be expensive. IDrive more than paid for a decade worth of annual fees yesterday.
5. We need to look at the timing of our backups. I tried to do them at night so they don't run while we are still using AC, but perhaps that should not be the main concern.
6. It helps to have crashes occur when you are on vacation, but in town. Intelligent, reliable staff is important, too!