We're seeing the same message on a clients machine that we tried to install the update this afternoon and we're researching it. We're thinking that since this patch was released earlier that the more recent windows update should also include this patch, which unfortunately would mean some machines already have it and this will not resolve the problem. We're continuing to research and will update everyone as soon as we have more information. We're making some code changes to version AC 11.1 now so in the event this does not solve it we will be able to triage it better.
I repaired, did fresh Windows 10 installs several times and the AC crashes with orders and script writer have persisted. I could be wrong but don't think it is Windows issue. I got brand new Dell PCs and they have the same issue. On one of them, the PC was reset and got fresh installers from Dell without resolution. All my PCs are UTD and checking for corrupt files does not return any errors. Dell technicians ran diagnostics on the PCs and everything works fine. The only program that has issues is Amazingcharts.
looking back on this thread Naeem's post reported error message concerning gdi32full.dll, did some research early this AM as I was doing my insomnia bake some sourdough bread thing and found a problem with some graphic displays and program crashes. My laptop that has the crashes has an Intel HD Graphics 530, all my other computers that never crash have different video/graphics hardware and drivers. Fixes that appeared to work for some people (sorry no one said anything about AC) were: 1) reduce display settings or 2) change power options from balanced to high performance. I don't use this laptop in the office anymore so can't test it out but seems like easy things to try. Good luck, please post if effective
I think Koby, you are onto something. All the PCs that crash in my office have Intel processors with built in video display. But I had older PCs that had Windows 7, as soon as I upgraded Windows to Windows 10, the AC started crashing on them. I had similar issue with Windows 7 to 10 upgrade 2-3 years ago and reverted PCs back to Windows 7 pro and they worked fine. Previously, AC would freeze and the top bar on script writer would turn red with a security Officer like icon on it. I am not sure if all those PCs had built in graphic display. From my experience, the issue is with the way AC opens a 3rd window within the program and interacts with the processor and the Windows 10. I am not sure what it is. I will try changing the display on the PCs. Thanks for the suggestion!
gdi32full.dll.... I don't think anyone has really listened to me at AC. I have an IT local who looked at the error logs in AC and says it's a Unhandled Exception that is crashing it. This is a problem in the AC code. Exceptions have to be handled. I feel like AC basically said programs have these errors and there's nothing they can do. It's too easy to just blame windows. All my other programs are running great on Windows 10 pro. A reinstall is not going to help, as I bought new computers with fresh copies and they crash just as bad.
I also suggested they work with microsoft professionals, but I don't know if they are willing to commit real resources to this problem.
But the AC problem seems to affect only some offices.
It also seems to affect mostly (if not entirely) Windows 10 systems.
So it seems as if something specific to Windows 10 on some particular hardware will crash AC.
Sadly, error logs can be cryptic and even misleading. For example, Microsoft's own upgrade to Windows 10 sometimes fails with the mistaken claim that the motherboard lacks the necessary DX bios function (which is actually in place and turned on).
And anyone who works on computers is painfully familiar with how intractable even routine Windows update failures can be.
In any case, gdi32full problems are not confined to AC. Browsing through Google's results for "faulting module name gdi32full dll" will show just how hard Microsoft professionals have been struggling with gdi32full.dll:
I hope that someone whose AC is crashing will try disabling a desktop's built-in video-adapter and install a vanilla replacement (as different as possible) to see what happens.
There are a couple factors that contribute to making this very difficult to triage and this is what we have today: - Less than 1/10 of 1 percent of practices are reporting this. We recognize some may not be reporting it. - We believe it is limited to Windows 10, various builds. Only Win 10 users have reported it so far and we believe Win 10 is the predominant release everyone is running but we really have no visibility onto a clients OS release unless they tell us. - Impacted users are on AC version 10. But then AC version 10 is the predominate version with over 90% of practices operating on this version. - There were no programming changes made to the Write Scripts or Orders button/processing logic in version 10 - We have zero reports of this occurring in our hosted environments, all running Windows 2016 Server OS - We cannot replicate this in house even using automation which simulates a users actions many thousands of times. - Windows errors login is cryptic and can lead you down a rabbit hole as you note so it's of little help - MS Support is of no assistance in this particular issue as we lack sufficient information to report. - "Unhanded exception" errors are generic and of no help here other than to tell us there's some problem executing code. We do try to resolve them where we can but it's like diagnosing a patients problem when all you have to go by is they say " I don' t feel well some days, others I feel fine." - We have no explanation as to why 2 PC's with identical hardware in every respect yield different results . However we can't be 100% confident in the accuracy of that statement. If would be nice if someone on the board here could confirm with absolute certainty. - We have discovered some unique coding behind a few buttons in AC which include the Write Scripts and Orders buttons. This code has been in place for at least 6 years now. As MS makes OS changes it could expose incompatibility issues that were not present previously.
Next steps:
- We've removed the unique coding behind the buttons in Version 11.1. - We've also added extensive reporting to our error logs so when this occurs in the future we can narrow it down to a specific section of code to help us triage this more effectively. Today the error reports that the problem occurred somewhere in the state of Texas. The new code hopefully will give us a street address, or at least a zip code. - Version 11.1 will be available for beta next Monday and we're hoping that we can get a few practices experiencing this problem to accept beta to determine if we fixed the problem or at least get us more detailed logging. If you don't want to be an initial beta site then maybe update after it's been in the field at other practices for a few weeks. Beta is expected to run at least 6 weeks and we plan to GA in April. - We continue to investigate but honestly we've run out of options here until we can get more information with the new code in v11.1. - If we can pin down the cause of the problem in beta then we can fix it in the GA release in April. If no one will take beta and we can't identify this until 11.1 is in GA then we have to do another release which will take more time.
I have attached a link to the 11.1 release notes here. These are beta and there will a few modifications but they're pretty close to final. If anyone is interested reply here or email me at cconrad@harriscomputer.com
Yes, the problem sounds even more difficult than I thought--you have my sympathy.
AC seems to be doing everything that it can to figure out a very rare and very hard-to-reproduce bug.
Given how hard it seems to be to reproduce the crashes on AC's hardware, I keep thinking of crude tests available only to users on their own hardware, such as swapping in a different video card to try to rule out obscure video driver and hardware problems.
Another thing that I don't remember anyone mentioning is whether AC crashes when run just on the local server itself, which might rule out any weird network hardware and configuration issues.
If I understand your question about clickable links, I think that the solution is to click on the "Use Full Editor" tab at the bottom of the quick-reply box.
Among the icons across the top is an insert-link option, to the left of the envelope-icon.
Thanks Carl.....One would think a computer guy would look for that link:-) Works great!
And to date, no one has reported this issue on a server but few ever use the server for data entry. I like your idea of swapping out the video card since we're in heuristic mode here.
All my PCs that crash with script writer and orders are All-in-one PCs and cannot install a video card. Had several crashes today. For some reason, when AC is restarted after the crash, it does not crash when the script writer is used on the same patient. I am willing to try Beta V11 if it is stable
Here's a question...Same patient aside, can anyone recall an instance where AC crashed on the very first patient after they system boots or has it occurred only after working for a while?
1st patient was always good worked without a problem, would hit the next patient. That is after the first patient any next patient would crash in Rx section or order writing section.
Good morning, A lot of inquisitive minds. Some of my All-in-One PCs are HP and some are Dell. Some are old and some are brand new. All with SSDs and brand new Windows 10 Pro installs and the latest Windows and updates. All have updated Video drivers and no Windows corrupt files or hardware issues. It does not happen first thing in the morning or on the first patient. It is always after mid morning.
Yes, it happens at times with first Rx of the day. After restarting AC and restoring the chart it behaves fine for a while . It will happen again a few patients later (like an hour later) but never occurs twice in a row.
If any of your new Dells and old Lenovos have expansion slots . . .
You could try to fix the problem by disabling the integrated Intel video through the bios and installing an NVIDIA video card.
You might be able to use the card from the trouble-free system, if you can spare the system for a day to see what happens.
Or you could buy the same NVIDIA video card that's on the trouble-free system by checking device-manager and searching on eBay.
It might be worth a try, since it sounds as if you have several systems that crash.
As a side note, I wonder if AC's frustrated attempts to reproduce the problem on remote sessions failed because AC's remote program might be using a mirror video driver that sidesteps the bug?
Or you could buy the same NVIDIA video card that's on the trouble-free system by checking device-manager and searching on eBay.
Yeah I just ordered an old video card to test. If it crashed more regularly it'd be reported more. Just enough to have most of us restart and not bother to complain.
Link for 11.1 release notes didn't work for me, BTW decided today to bring back my laptop with the integrated Intel graphics card that would crash on the second patient everyday going into script writer still Windows 10 pro still AC 10.2 did do a windows 10 update and the darn thing hasn't crashed yet today
Maybe your laptop will crash Monday after lulling your suspicions?
You have my sympathy. It's frustrating to test for bugs that coyly refuse to surface. Think how the AC techs must feel.
More seriously, maybe the problem has been silently fixed by the current February 2020 update that you did to the current W10 build 1909 from last November?
It would help if posters who crash included their current Windows build and the last time that they checked for bios and driver updates.
Sometimes just looking into such things leads to a solution.
Surprisingly, brand new computers often ship from the factory with outdated Windows, drivers, and bios because their hard drives are just copies of images that the manufacturer hasn't updated.
Some posters suffering from the bug must have groaned after reading that suggestion, since they carefully updated everything before posting, but I don't recall anyone saying specifically that they're on build 1909 and have no windows, bios, or driver updates waiting as of this morning, much less what specific video driver, card, and computer models they're using.
Even if an office uses several different machines, AC tech support might notice a pattern with integrated video, which often spans different manufacturers.
Actually I'm on Build 2004, since I took this laptop out of 'service' I put it into the Windows Insider Preview Build group so get releases earlier, wonder if 2004 has the fix as compared to 1909 ? I used it again this AM did a bunch of Rx refills and again no crashes.
I have not had any problems with the script writer -- other than slow loading at times, which I assume is due to network traffic, but have no way of knowing.
We have some machines on Win 1909, and they don't seem to be affected.
DRMO said that he fixed his slow-loading script-writer problem by changing the windows-features settings mentioned in this thread:
"I have not had 'crash on prescribe' yet, but when I click on script writer it is taking longer and longer to pull up. I just bought this laptop a month ago and the script writer was fast. now it takes thirty seconds before the script writer pops up on the screen. Dell laptop core i7 with 16 gB RAM Windows 10 Home"
"I did the 'windows features' net framework 3.5 and net framework 4.8 tweak above and rebooted ... my script writer is acting normal again. pulls up in about 4 seconds."
Mark@AC: Updox System Issues An update has been posted We will be taking the application offline at 4:30 PM (Eastern) to perform emergency maintenance. The application will be down for approximately 1 hour.
ACZ: Still no fix to prescibing. Nobody available from AC last time I checked. I have an email request in. Anyone else?
ACZ: update on prescribing: After calling thursday morning and leaving a message, received call from AC. They changed something on their end, and prescribing is fixed.
AMCS: This is from newcrop: New incident: Investigating We are currently investigating an error that may occur when attempting to transmit prescriptions. This is resulting in prescriptions remaining queued. Our engineers are working on resolution presently.
Bert: I am sure AC knows. It's probably a NewCrop issue and they are working on it
Clem Surak: Is anyone else using ACPM and the EOBs are not matching up to patient accounts and the EOBs are having to be retyped into ACPM? Started a couple of weeks ago. Payer IDs are correct and match the EOB payer IDs.
tcosta: @ Clem Surak: yes, this has been going on for MONTHS in our office. We've been told it's the payers fault and it has to do with loop segments and payer response. Doesn't make sense to me, considering it's ALL the time now on multiple EOB's a week.
tcosta: It almost never used to happen and now it's constant.
tcosta: ACPM is extremely short staffed and it's taking them days to respond and fix the issue.
Clem Surak: Yes, it has been getting progressively worse. I have a ticket logged, but have not heard back, so I keep retyping the EOBs so that our accounting is up to date. Hope the migration to the new Clearinghouse fixes this issue. Thanks for the response.
Bert: Can anyone tell me where the post is from AIDevelopment
lesmar: "Prescription batch error. There was an unknown failure trying to complete the prescription batch for [patient name]."' I was just trying to send a refill on narcotic medication. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks