Lots more questions than answers since this was announced, so I reached out to Updox to get this straight, and the following FAQs hopefully will help folks out.
Is Updox lite the free version of Updox that includes a patient portal?
***The Updox Patient Portal Powered By Updox is basic patient portal only. No forms, email, fax, secure messaging, scheduling and no bill pay.
Does sending someone an Updox invite get them Updox Lite?
***No, Free Secure Messaging accounts do not include the basic patient portal. If someone has a Free Secure Messaging account currently they need to register for a basic patient portal account, too. If they use their email (joe@updox.com) for Free Secure Messaging have them create the basic portal account with joe+portal@updox.com.
How does this get started and who supports what?
***AC support is first level support for the product. AC's page
http://amazingcharts.com/meaningful-use/amazing-charts-patient-portal/ redirects you to our page for registration:
http://updox.com/acportal -- it's ok to send folks to that registration page directly.
When will AC release a version that has Updox integrated for sending out?
***I hear it will happen some time this year -- AC may have more details to share on this one.
What gets installed on the local AC server to configure the Patient Portal
***Yes, once they register they get an email with instructions to install the Desktop application and Updox Central on the server...
To recap:
<>Full Updox is the product that we know and love - you get everything but the optional scheduling interface and BillPay
<>Updox Free Messaging - free secure messaging between practices, including templates, queues, categories, tags, and practice broadcast
<>Updox Patient Portal - you get the Practice Portal