It is all web based. Most EMRs are web based, although some give you both options. I demoed about six, and this was the best one, although I haven't looked at Office Practicum which is pediatric based. I am sure there are others that are similarly priced. (Whether web based or in house, updates to most EMRs are seamless with likely a few bugs which are corrected with patches or quick updates). I also left a message with sales to find out if dictation into Charm is possible which would likely be a big thing with a lot of practices and consultants.

We looked at one provider = $350 per month. We used to pay for:

Text reminders (without email option) 75.00 per month
Billing software: $110 per month
eRx, EPCS (with support) $150 per month (priority email and chat support included in Charm price) (not sure about phone call support)
QuickBooks in cloud $25.00 per month

What we pay now: $360.00 per month

With Charm:
Provider plan $350 per month
QB in house (I can't remember what we paid)
* to be fair even expensive EMRs like Athena Health, we would be paying something like $450 per month

*** If any biller/coder/office manager out there uses QB in house if you could state how you pay for it.

$350 per provider
$200 per mid-level

Un-meaningful use certified 2015
No ads
Patient records unlimited
mHealth apps
Backup/Disaster recovery
Custom health vitals
Specialty/Custom templates
Command interface
Image annotation drawing tools
Quick text macros
Instant messaging
Sticky notes
Referral management
Lab integration
Multi facility support
Appointment Scheduling
Appointment visit types (profiles)
Web embed calendar
Google calendar sync
Billing packages
Secure messaging
Task management
Role based access
Business analytics and reporting
Text/Voice messages (2000/month)
Incoming/Outgoing fax 1000 pages per month
Document scanner
Smart navigation
Appointment bot
Patient portal
Shareable flowsheets
Prescreening forms
Automated booking assistant
Feedback/Survey forms
Email reminders
Patient kiosk (iPad)
Document sharing through text
CMS 1500
Billing profiles
Credit card processing
E-claim submission * (with clearinghouse only)
Realtime eligibility check * (with clearinghouse only)
ERA download and payment posting * (with clearinghouse only)
Healthcare messaging connect
Priority email support
Live chat support
Online help documentation

Add Ons

QuickBooks integration $1,000 setup, $350 annual maintenance
Direct provider messaging
Transcription services
Scribes (transported like Star Trek transport)

Brewer, Maine