I am polling other group members to see if someone else can share what they feel about AC Version 10 and 11.
I get about one crash of AC V11 a day. Usually it is random, usually in the afternoon, when a chart is opened or sometimes while flipping through different tabs or sometimes at the end when I click sign. Sometimes it does prompt and note is resurrected but sometimes it has to be retrieved from deleted items.
As we get busy, it is not always possible to make sure a message was sent and is in the outbox and have lost several messages after they were typed and the message is lost when any part of AC outside of the message screen is clicked on or even sometimes working within a patients chart looking up labs and messages / encounters. I think this feature is liability issue. The program should at least prompt if the message is not sent before it is erased or a draft should be saved.
I also dont like how you have to enter patient identifiers to open the chart every single time. I prefer having a list of most recently looked up patients / charts available to make it quicker. I have dozens of patients with same names.
I would also like to have the ability to review what is in the nursing group inbox.
With V11, I have to recode the medicines every day. I get refill requests on medicines prescribed a month or two ago and when no match is found, the chart has to be opened and medicine coded and then it matches. Sometimes it does make duplicate medicine entries.
Sometimes Midmark ECG gives error message about licensing and ECg cannot be edited, signed off or printed and the next day it works just fine. Also, signing off on ECG requires extra clicks.
Sometimes bug found screen pops up and it keeps popping up until AC crashes.
Have had current Beta for almost 5 months and am concerned that issues have not been fixed. Makes me nervous.