I would like to perform the self-service upgrade and avoid the support fee. However, I cannot get past the instruction step "Verify that SQL Server 2012 Express is in use and is at least SP2". Any suggestions?
Here are screenshots of what happens:
Instructions: (see attachment "instructions")
Screenshot does not show SQL Server Configuration Manager as an option, instead shows this: (see attachment "...missing")
If I select the closest named option "Reporting Services Configuration Manager", it also fails as below: (see attachment "...fails")
Using server names AMAZINGCHARTS and 08\AMAZINGCHARTS also fail. "08" is the name of Main computer running peer to peer AmazingCharts 11.1.2
[ps: wasn't there a way to insert inline images into posts before?]
You do have SQL Server Management Studio installed. You can disable the Amazing Charts services, restart the SQL Server service in single user mode to gain access to SQL Server outside of Amazing Charts, and then use SQL Server Management Studio to get the version number of SQL Server and look up what version and service pack you have.
If any of the above appears to be beyond your IT skills, I highly recommend getting AC to do the upgrade for you. This upgrade, while simple enough for those of us who do this kind of thing for a living (such as myself) is still very serious and can cause you a lot of downtime if it goes wrong.
Hours or days of downtime waiting for someone to save your bacon is way more expensive than the fee.