I guess the message at the top of the home page just isn't read. It looks the same. By this time last year in the July donation month, we had around 15 donations. Now we have none. I don't mind paying for the board. It's just that Ruben does a lot of behind the scenes work with improvements and UPGRADES. You know the upgrades AC never did until we were three behind. So, please if you have a chance, donate. The limit is $35.00. Last year it was $20.00 and most said to raise it.
I have to admit I didn't see the donation location either.
It didn't start that way but when the annual cost of the board of $380 plus the fact that Ruben really gets nothing out of it (I get the satisfaction of helping and I get to post my many opinions), we just felt it would be good to offset those. Ruben is the one that knows how to run the forum logistically. Does all the work to keep it upgraded and looking nice.
The board is worth it just to keep AC accountable. I mean you can't have accountability without ac right. And, to help Carl get through his day. Ruben actually makes this board what it is with his technical ability with building and maintaining forums. You should see it on a smartphone.
It took browsing the forum, squeezing silly putty in my left hand, and listening to some Bach to get through my current dynamic splint session:
I'm grateful for the distractions because I'm annoyed with whoever put my custom splint together.
Despite all the careful measuring and custom fitting, the damned Velcro straps keep popping off my upper arm.
I finally realized that it's not the fault of my atrophied biceps and triceps.
The upper Velcro straps were just cut wrong--the hooked Velcro goes through the buckle and tries to hook to itself instead of reaching the distant Velcro-fleece.
Hook-side to hook-side Velcro holds only if you press down on it, so I have wriggle a makeshift cuff made of knotted 4-inch wide rehab-room rubber-strip over everything, using one hand and my chin.
It's as bad as an EMR that crashes every day and can't show drug details.
I will be leaving AC in the next month or two, but I wanted to donate also. I have gained a great deal of useful information off of this forum, and everyone has always been very helpful. I hope that AC finally gets it's act together and becomes the EMR you have all been hoping for!
I typically access this board using a phone, and never noticed any donation button in the small-screen version of the web site. But now that I know it's there, I have made a donation also. Thanks for all your efforts!
Last edited by kurt; 07/30/20218:59 PM. Reason: Clarification
Yes ,the side columns are hidden from mobile view by default for easy viewing. On the far right of the nav bar at the top you will notice two ||. Select it to goto full view then select it again to go back to mobile view.
There is no such thing as stupid questions , Just stupid answers.
OK, so our annual fund drive for the forum was very successful. 18 donations by 17 people (Jon Bertman -- of the kind capitalism and the 10-word EULA -- donated twice). He is going to kill me for that disclosure.
Thanks to everyone for pitching in. And, thanks to Ruben for doing all the heavy lifting behind the scenes. I just sit back and ban people. Note: there has not been one ban since the forum opened.
I have been doing a lot of things and not spending as much time on the computer. Thus I have not been checking the board as often. I would like to donate and did last year, but don't see how. Am I missing something?
Wendell Pediatrician in Chicago
The patient's expectation is that you have all the answers, sometimes they just don't like the answer you have for them