These are steps in workflow
Create Lab order through Orders i.e. CBC, BMP etc.
Checkout Secretary pulls up this order through the following steps
Select patient Right click and first choice is Checkin/Checkout or click net to the calendar in Checkin/Checkout.
![[Linked Image from]](
Go to tab Checkout and select orders sent to all.
Click Open order.
![[Linked Image from]](
Click on Quest in lower right part of screen.
![[Linked Image from]](
Initially a log in to Quest has to be done for the 1st time. This login is different than the Quest 360 login.The demographics and lab ordered autopopulate into the Quest website.
Specific lab ordered needs to be mapped to the Quest lab i e CBC to Quest CBC.
(This step is done only one time as it remembers the mapping ongoing.)
![[Linked Image from]](
Click on PSC Hold
A form with bar code is generated and goes directly to Quest. (I have verified this with a few patients)
The form can also be printed and handed to the patient instead of order form.
When the lab is received back into AC via interface, the lab is automatically reconciled to the order and completed. There is a green button that lights stating the orders have been automatically reconciled.
You can verify this step manually. (I have and it is accurate)
This has eliminated multiple steps in reconciling orders in AC and on staff time.
Avoids separate tracking mechanisms for orders, as they get completed automatically
AC needs to work a little harder in improving the Orders section.
(1) A search box when placing orders.
(2) Similar to the date filter in Imported items, a date filter to hide old orders (3,6,12 months) in the Past Encounters tab will be very helpful as the no of orders have grown over the 3 years I have used AC.
(3) Have a check box to hide completed orders.
(4) Under past encounters when looking up orders the date orders are placed should be reformatted to just display date and not date and time and should be visible in the screen as the first column and not the last column.
(5) An easier method to delete an order, during charting (other than from the Orders screen).
I usually have to ask someone else to delete the order, when the patient or physician changes their mind.