At the risk of highjacking the thread, our problem is less flow out than flow in. As an OB/Gyn practice the volume of labs processed is high.
We have the import interfaces from LabCorp and Sonora Quest, as well as other labs who fax results. The problem is AC is built so only the provider ever see the results that get imported automatically, and therefore has to be the one to reconcile them to the lab orders.
The reconciliaion process is incredibly tedious because you can't pull up a single patient at a time. Instead you scroll through the list of outstanding orders (ours is 300+ orders long, with only one provider). When you find the order, you can bring up a list of imports, but can't actally see them without opening the patient's chart.
And, amazingly, there is no way to reconcile results to an order from the patient's chart. So you can't try to tackle it from the other direction.
And, to boot, the "Orders" window moves incredibly slowly.
Are we the only ones struggling with this???