have quite a few options. Some here use updox. I don't know much about that. We receive our lab result on a multifunction fax maschine and then a user called labdoctor imports them into the patients chart and they are sent to me to be reviewed and signed off on. This way I see the labs as they come into the office and nothing is filed without me seeing and signing off on it. I think others do it quite differently. The beauty of AC is that you can use it to fit with your own work flow. When you write and order and print it then it is saved and you can view things you've ordered in the past encounters tab. Also under the View tab, you can find orders and actually reconcile the order with the result although this must be done manually at this point. We never actually print the results, they go from fax right into AC with the multifunction fax. We only scan in results that come by snail mail still. We are saving cases of paper every month and printer cartridges too.