OK A FOREWORD: I started with Amazing Charts in 2001 v.1 #1. In 24 years, I have made 7,243 recommendations, complaints, hints, begs, pleadings and whatever word you want to put in there of AC. From the original CAB to the now defunct CAB by email, by the AC recommendations on their site, on here. Do you know how many things I have gotten chaned? One (1) Uno. So, I am going for #2.

Please AC listen to a few suggestions on the prescription writer. There are more, but I don't have the time. There should be an entire development staff dedicated to the prescription writer.

1. Please get rid of the radio buttons on whether you are using your phone or your token for the second factor of the two factor authentication. It should be obvious what one you are using when you click on it. But when you click on using your token, it doesn't work unless you have selected the radio button. A useless step. But not without consequences. You put in your token-generated number and it doesn't work if you forget to select the radio button. This happens to me probable 30% of the time. I am sure I am the only one.
2. The whole reason I changed to that version was so I could write for three ADHD meds (the same ones) at one time. But this doesn't work.
3. When you move the ADHD med to the last step, please have the directions correlate with what you put in the directions.
4. AND MOST IMPORTANT: Put the PMP that takes you to the New Crap PMP ON AC. When you write for an ADHD script, if the button for PMP or PDMP (Physician Drug Monitoring Program) were clearly visible on the AC script, I would a) save time and b) I would click on it. The old way, it was right there in New Crap when you wrote your scripts, and I just routinely clicked it so it was done within three months. I am not sure what it is in other states, BUT IN THE STATE OF MAINE IT IS FRIGGIN' STATE LAW. This means the FBI DEA task force in Boston recognizes it. This means you hear from them and from the state of Maine. AC makes us change versions because of mandates by whoever mandates things, but we don't have to change versions for the PMP button. I am quite stupid so I forget to go to New Crop (I will refer to it as New Crop out of respect for New Crop now) and click on the PMP button, thereby telling the state and the FBI DEA Task Force (it doesn't have a fancy acronym -- let's just call it the task force that indicts you and puts you in jail). Yes, generally for greater misdeeds, but that is what they do. They have nailed two doctors already. Here are the steps and the time it takes right now to do the PMP.

1. Remember you have to make sure it is done on every CII patient within three months.
2. Click on ePrescribing
3. Click on NewCrop Drug History
4. Click on the window that says, "NewCrop can be used to review a patient's Drug history. All Prescriptions should be written in Amazing Charts. This includes non-controlled substances, controlled substances, and Compound Medications. CONTINUE TO NEWCROP DRUG HISTORY? Ahh yes. You have no choice. That is why you clicked on NewCrop Drug History. So you click on Yes. Unless you suddenly realize there is a patient waiting for you, then say f.... it, and click No. You can always do it later.
5. Click on PDMP Accessed 12/1/2024.
6. You now have the PMP open and you have satisfied the DEA and other agencies.
7. Click out of the NewCrop window.
8. A window pops up asking you, "Did you access Drug History and click "Add to Current Meds." No I didn't, so I click on No.
9. Click on the window Switch to (which makes no sense)
10. AC prescription writer now freezes for 18 seconds. Which seems like a minute.
10. X out of the prescription writer.

FYI: I don't mean to blame the developers about the pauses between steps. Who knows what is going on behind the scenes of New Crop.

And, don't forget when you write your SIG in the prescription writer to copy and paste it for the time it just disappears. Don't worry, this ONLY happens to me. About 10 times per day. But it does it three times so copying and pasting saves you time.

PS: There is actually an acronym. It is OCDETF Strike Forces. https://www.justice.gov/ocdetf/ocdetf-strike-forces

Yes, the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) Strike Force in Boston is involved in investigating controlled substance violations by medical professionals in Maine. In 2022, the Department of Justice announced the formation of the New England Prescription Opioid (NEPO) Strike Force, a collaborative effort among prosecutors and investigators from various federal agencies, including the OCDETF. This initiative targets unlawful prescribing practices across New England, including Maine. For instance, in October 2022, a Maine doctor was arrested in Kennebunk for allegedly distributing opioids and other controlled substances illegally. citeturn0search0

The NEPO Strike Force operates in partnership with U.S. Attorneys' Offices in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, as well as agencies like the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Their mission is to identify and prosecute individuals involved in the illegal distribution of prescription opioids and other controlled substances throughout the New England region. citeturn0search1

Therefore, the OCDETF Strike Force in Boston, through the NEPO initiative, actively investigates and addresses issues related to the unlawful prescribing of controlled substances by medical professionals in Maine.

They do watch all aspects of CII drug prescribing in the state of Maine as well as other New England states. Granted they probably aren't going to incarcerate doctors who forget to keep track of the PMP.

But CSS of CCMP https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiG_9mokrmLAxWVF1kFHal8KhUQFnoECAoQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ashp.org%2F-%2Fmedia%2Fassets%2Fmembership-center%2Fdocs%2FOpioid-Case-Study-Penobscot-Community-Health-Care-Bangor-ME.pdf&usg=AOvVaw2hJMLcFn4lCe0VnPpZOW9I&opi=89978449 will.

Last edited by Bert; Yesterday at 08:02 AM.

Brewer, Maine