I need to generate a report with the following information for a remote monitoring program:

I don't see a way to do this with the report writer in amazing charts (Sorry about the length of the information requested).

Patient Import Lists - Specification Guide
This guide will outline the data we require for importing customer patient lists and what we can
manipulate as needed.
Requirements for All Patient Lists
For patient lists that HealthSnap will import, we need the following fields in a .csv or Excel
1. Practice Name (if patients belong to different Practices)
2. Provider First and Last Name (or Provider Full Name)
3. Provider Email Address
4. Patient Medical Record Number
5. Patient Date of Birth
6. Patient Email Address (strongly advised, but we can work around missing emails if
7. Patient First and Last Name (or Provider Full Name)
8. Patient Address (Address 1 and Address 2 is fine)
9. Patient City
10. Patient State
11. Patient Zip
12. Patient Main Phone Number
Additional Requirements for RPM Patient Lists
For patient lists that HealthSnap will import for RPM, we need the following fields:
1. At least one valid Diagnosis Code (ICD10) that makes the patient eligible for RPM
2. Data Points to be monitored (must match these spellings)
1. Blood Pressure
2. Blood Glucose
3. Body Weight
4. Oxygen Saturation
3. Device to be used for RPM Services (must match these spellings)
1. Blood Pressure Monitor
2. Glucose Meter
3. Weight Scale
4. Pulse Oximeter

Additional Requirements for CCM Patient Lists
For patient lists that HealthSnap will import for CCM, we need the following fields:
1. At least TWO valid Diagnosis Codes (ICD10) that makes the patient eligible for CCM
1. Diagnosis codes should be either comma separated (no spaces) or in separate
columns - we can combine
2. The Primary Diagnosis Code should be the first Diagnosis Code listed
Optional Fields for All Patient Lists
The following fields are not required, but can be included to import as long as they meet the
1. Patient Ethinicity (must match these spellings)
1. Caucasian/White
2. African American/Black
3. Hispanic/Latino
4. Asian/Pacific Islander
5. Native American/American Indian
6. Other
2. Primary Language (many languages can be imported, but we only support English and
Spanish currently)
1. English
2. Spanish
3. Patient Gender
1. Male
2. Female
4. Patient Mobile Phone Number
5. Patient Home Phone Number
6. Primary Insurance Name
7. Primary Insurance Member ID (note: some Member ID's may cause import issues - if this
occurs, this field will be stripped)
8. Primary Insurance Group Number (note: some Group Number's may cause import issues
- if this occurs, this field will be stripped)
9. Secondary Insurance Name
10. Secondary Insurance Member ID (note: some Member ID's may cause import issues - if
this occurs, this field will be stripped)
11. Secondary Insurance Group Number (note: some Group Number's may cause import
issues - if this occurs, this field will be stripped)

Requirements for Patient Lists for Letters ONLY
If we are sending letters ONLY, we need the following fields:
1. Patient Full Name (or Patient First Name and Patient Last Name)
2. Patient Address (Address 1 and Address 2 is fine)
3. Patient City
4. Patient State
5. Patient Zip
6. Provider Name (if letter is coming from their specific provider instead of a single

Frank J. Paiano, DO, FACOI
Internal Medicine of Central Florida, PA
The Villages, FL