I keep getting a lab import failure. I do not import labs, can I turn this off? It's a lab import failure message....
Rebecca 04:49 PM (Via Chat) Yes go to View>Admin Options>at the top click on Automated Process and then select Import Labs Automatically and uncheck enable then save
That's been getting turned on after the update for people.
Since upgrading 2 1/2 weeks ago the following has happened 4 times already. While in the patient's chart when going to write a script at one point AC stops working and shuts down unexpectedly(NO error message). You will have to restart the program and do not get the chance to finish the chart you were working on. The chart has to be retrieved from the "deleted charts" section. Do not know what causes the shut down. One time it occured when changing the pharmacy, another when selecting the meds from the list, and two times when opening the Rx writer. Did it happen with anyone else. ANNOYING, because you are in the room with the patient have to go trough the steps, including restarting the program and retrieving the chart. Afterwards program works fine.
--------------------------------------------------- Raj From (mostly) sunny Port St Lucie, florida
I have not experienced this error. I have not had a problem where the chart has not reopened when I have had to shut down. I would get Tech to look at the log and see if there is an error recorded. Try and keep the date and time so they can pinpoint in the log easier where this is happening.
The only freeze/shut down I am still experiencing is when I go to print. Occasionally AC will lock up and not allow me to send the print request. I have to open task manager, close AC and restart but the chart comes back to the stage just before I put in the orders to be printed. I had tech look but it does not appear to be an AC issue more of an issue with the setup. No real explanation available!
Does anyone have a suggestion to improve the slow performance of prescription writing in current version of AC. It takes too long and the program does not respond for "a long minute". The more medicines the patient is on, the longer it takes to load and write / transfer each prescription. Reached out to AC tech support. they could not come up with any suggestions.
I am new to the forum. My IT company has three AC EHR clients we host the software for whom we upgraded from V11.4 to V12.0 on 7/14/24. Since then, all have complained about the sluggish/slow performance of the upgrade compared to their previous AC releases. When asking one provider where in V12.0 are you experiencing the issues, that providers response was "it takes longer to login, sign-off chart notes, pull up the billing sheet, and even open patient charts. Just about everything is slower." In terms of the IT environment, this upgrade was installed on the same cloud-based W2K16 Datacenter Edition servers each of their previous AC versions were running on without incident. In addition, these same clients have been experiencing ongoing lockups/freeze-ups caused by a "Run-time error '70': Permission denied" that spans versions 11.3.x, 11.4.x, and now 12.0.x. We've done full uninstalls/reinstalls of prior program versions, run all database utilities, had a very knowledgeable Tier-2 AC Support tech go through the server scripts and database files manually to optimize them, along with other methods he deployed to resolve it (to no avail).
Any steering or ideas anyone may have as to how to resolve these issues would be deeply appreciated!
Good luck figuring this one out! Maybe James or Sandeep, someone on your IT level, will be able to help. I am not seeing these issues. Timing seems to be about the same if not a little faster in some ways. I have seen the run time error but only a couple of times. Stupid question but are you on the latest build, 369?
My reply to Naeem above stands but I have noticed that every now and then the script writer will hesitate on pulling up the med list when I am wanting to prescribe.
When printing a hard copy prescription, the presription prints, then I get a pop up message: "Prescriptions have not been printed or transmitted. The patient's medications list will not be updated." I have the hard copy in hand, but the meds do not show up in the prescription writer list, or in the "Plan" portion of the chart.
A smaller problem is when printing a hard copy, I have to go to Preview first, deselect the default "Microsoft print to PDF" and select my printer. AC tech says this is a known bug.
Check with tech support again, there is a way to change the default and have it work. I had the same issue. Because AC is seeing the default as the PDF it is not saving. Preview prescription also does not save in the chart only sending electronic. And yep, it is a known bug.
A smaller problem is when printing a hard copy, I have to go to Preview first, deselect the default "Microsoft print to PDF" and select my printer. AC tech says this is a known bug.
Yup. Got this one, too. Glad to hear they know about it.
I have changed the default printer multiple times and still get PDF printer pop up and have the same issue of printed prescriptions not documented anywhere int he note or the chart (as it never existed). I changed the network adapter settings to use only IPV4 and that has helped with the slowness of the script writer and the program.
The disappearance is definitely a known bug. It was not like that in the 1st build of V12 but then the next build I saw come out had other prescription/printing issues similar but worse. The latest build 369 has this as a known issue and not expected to be fixed until the next version is available (reportedly very soon).
I can not remember what support did to get the printer to change and hold for me but he was able to fix this. It may be under the Administrator Options, set prescription format, select script printer set up. Look there and see if is set to the printer you want or the Microsoft
Interesting finding. The "Prescriptions have not been printed or transmitted. The patient's medications list will not be updated." only occurs when printing more than one prescription, ie. 3 monthly Adderall prescriptions. If printing each separately, they save to the patients chart. Hopefully this is a short-term PITA fix until AC gets the bug fixed.
Brand new Acer laptop with NvMe HD, 8 gig RAM for new provider. AC was working fine for about a week and now it takes over 2 min to open a chart at times...The machine itself is very quick to open webpages and the like. I've had AC log in and ping the server and the network speeds are fine. Laptop has been restarted mutiple times, some bloatware has been removed...it is still slow. Slow on wifi and slightly better but still VERY slow when plugged into Ethernet. I am getting ready to return it to Amazon....help !
Just found this with version 12. I put in 99395 and the description in AC is the description for 99385. I am not sure it will matter much but wanted to show this problem for all those doing their own billing.