There was a request I made that I was told was done, but it really wasn't. Yes, you can see the pharmacy at the last page and you can change it -- both great additions -- but still missing a huge improvement on one point.
That is when you get there and you just need to click on Send but you close by mistake the program should be able to recognize that you didn't send it and ask, "Did you want to not send those meds?"
It does recognize now the medication wasn't sent. The only thing is when you close the prescribing window the message says" Prescriptions have not been printed or transmitted. The patient's medications list will not be updated." You then click on OK closing the warning. The medication will then be in the med list so you could just "prepare script" again. If you do not resend after closing the warning box, when you close the prescribing window the medication is not in the chart. Open the prescribing window and the medication is no longer on the list. Prescribe it again and send. Close prescribing window and it is in the chart note under plan. I know Bert it is a lengthy work around but it is at least a start!
The bad thing is if you don't print or send then the system sees this as not prescribing and you can not save to the chart from this step. Supplements are things I generally add in this way now it is best to go to the "current medications" box and add in with that pop up.
On a similar theme: My work flow is such that I update medications as I import a note from a specialist (eg, the cardiologist changes a medication). I used to hit the Rx button, enter the medication but not send it to the pharmacy, then import the note. Now, I need to "print" the medication for it to be added to the medication list, which is more clicks. Otherwise, you need to skip to the "summary" tab to add it, which is even more clicks.... AC is aware. Any suggestions are welcome. ACZ
That is weird, but all the more reason to do it the intended way which is more accurate. Your way if you get the note 10 days later and prescribe it just to put it into the med list, it will show up from that date and it will always look like you prescribed it. It should be entered by double-clicking in the current medications window on the MRE and filling all the information there. You can put in the doctor who prescribed it, the reason, the date it was prescribed, etc. This will not only put the medication into your active medication list, but you can always go back to that window, highlight that medication and see who prescribed and why and on what date. Unless I am misunderstanding what you are saying.
Yep, known problem. They are trying to figure out a way to let us add without having to go to the summary page. I also have always added meds in this way. Sorry Bert you are correct, I should do it in the summary but the prescribing page is easier/faster.
This also happens with supplements and OTC meds. Even if I ask a pt to add on a supplement it becomes an issue. I did "prescribe" the supplement but now it won't save to the chart. I posted about this earlier and have discussed with AC on a couple of occasions. You can try print to PDF to save some paper but this is the only work around at this time that we have found. I tried the pdf print the other day and it didn't seem to work but it has in the past. I'll try again today and post back.
Hopefully ACZ they will contact you about what you see and how best to change in the next version. I have given my ideas.
OK, maybe too much work. Get the script to where it will be after pressing 1. Prepare Script. Select change pharmacy: (magnifying glass), Type NewCrop in the first column and select it as your pharmacy and prescribe it there. It should default back to their regular pharmacy after that.
I see this as part of a bigger problem; we need to be able to add information to a patient's chart between visits. It may be a medication ... or a diagnosis ... or something else that belongs in the body of the record rather than imported items or past encounters or some other part of the chart.
Bert, have not tried the New Crop idea. The print to PDF worked for one pt and not another this morning, will try and figure out why. One was pulled up as a refill the other was while I was in the chart so that may be the issue.
JBS, between visits the summary page can be used for adding meds. It will open the "current med list" box. It is during the visit I would like to have something easier/faster than having to go to the current med list box and allowing that to open. Not sure how best to do that. May just have to Current Medications box more, that is probably best practice as Bert posted. Bert added a screen shot of that box, lots of info there can be added.
For other information it is hard to get things into the chart. Your options are just a message hich does not change the body of the chart on follow up, an addendum which only adds to a previous chart or open the chart, change whatever info save and close the chart without charging for a visit. Those are the only ways I am familiar with adding things.
Yes, I know. You should be able to add to the PMH or problem list. I just had a kid diagnosed with cryptosporidium, and unless I make a fake chart; I have to wait until next time.
Mark@AC: Updox System Issues An update has been posted We will be taking the application offline at 4:30 PM (Eastern) to perform emergency maintenance. The application will be down for approximately 1 hour.
ACZ: Still no fix to prescibing. Nobody available from AC last time I checked. I have an email request in. Anyone else?
ACZ: update on prescribing: After calling thursday morning and leaving a message, received call from AC. They changed something on their end, and prescribing is fixed.
AMCS: This is from newcrop: New incident: Investigating We are currently investigating an error that may occur when attempting to transmit prescriptions. This is resulting in prescriptions remaining queued. Our engineers are working on resolution presently.
Bert: I am sure AC knows. It's probably a NewCrop issue and they are working on it
Clem Surak: Is anyone else using ACPM and the EOBs are not matching up to patient accounts and the EOBs are having to be retyped into ACPM? Started a couple of weeks ago. Payer IDs are correct and match the EOB payer IDs.
tcosta: @ Clem Surak: yes, this has been going on for MONTHS in our office. We've been told it's the payers fault and it has to do with loop segments and payer response. Doesn't make sense to me, considering it's ALL the time now on multiple EOB's a week.
tcosta: It almost never used to happen and now it's constant.
tcosta: ACPM is extremely short staffed and it's taking them days to respond and fix the issue.
Clem Surak: Yes, it has been getting progressively worse. I have a ticket logged, but have not heard back, so I keep retyping the EOBs so that our accounting is up to date. Hope the migration to the new Clearinghouse fixes this issue. Thanks for the response.
Bert: Can anyone tell me where the post is from AIDevelopment
lesmar: "Prescription batch error. There was an unknown failure trying to complete the prescription batch for [patient name]."' I was just trying to send a refill on narcotic medication. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks