Quote: FYI: In the new database "Shell Fish" is one word ("shellfish"), and there are 4 options that is could be now "Shellfish", "Shellfish derived", "Shellfish (substance)", or "Shellfish toxin".
You are just reinforcingmy point and why I posted the screenshots! In the first one it is spelled as one word, nothing came up for shellfish in any form but random meds were in the match box and not in alphabetical order, in the second screen shot I showed that I typed in "shell Fish" as 2 separate words and then the "shellfish" options started showing up.
Thanks Joseph for the input. You are correct it is all medications since starting with Ac and all different variations ever prescribed. Something simple like having it auto match oral tablet to tablet should have been an easy change before pushing out this version. Thus the need for a better testing and response from AC, my opinion.
I am glad you are not finding it as bad as it sounds because I am very frustrated right now. Maybe because with the map I have over 3000 meds to map and am the only one in the office doing it. The other prescribes that pout things in differently are either retired or doing a different job.
" medicines that are pulled of the market, obsolete medicines (like lantus opticlik!)......
I would suggest not wasting any time or thought on these! Just click "free text". There is literally no downside that I can see to this (since you will never be prescribing them again).
I have attached 2 screenshots from a refill this morning. This is for an allergy map issue. The first is the screen that I got with the need to map the allergy the second is when I typed in "shell fish". This is a fairly common allergy.
The other thing I have encountered is doing the " pending pharmacy requests, renewals" (electronic refills) a medication has to have a match or you can not deny the refill request. Why? I think that is just asking for problems.
FYI: In the new database "Shell Fish" is one word ("shellfish"), and there are 4 options that is could be now "Shellfish", "Shellfish derived", "Shellfish (substance)", or "Shellfish toxin".
Mark... and folks who are following along.... There are big issues and smaller annoying ones being discussed here as people go through the process. It is tough to describe these issues in a few words, but Chris' screenshots make this one clear. It is worth spending a minute to understand it.
1. "Shellfish" should not have to be mapped. "Shellfish" in Lexi-Data should automatically be mapped to "Shellfish" in FDB. This is an easily fixable bug, right?
2. But even if the mapping isn't automatic, if you type in "shellfish" (a common allergy with a standard spelling)... it should be immediately listed in the FDB panel on the right. It isn't. Look at the first screenshot- "shellfish" is not in the FDB panel at all. This is a bug or error. (It is only when you type in "Shell fish" (the wrong spelling) in the search bar on the right that "Shellfish" comes up as a mapping option.
Just an FYI here are 2 screen shots of the same type of problem. Mark@AC if this is fixed in Build 369 GREAT if not it needs to be fixed. The first one is the map screen when it first comes up the second is when I deleat the auto fill Advair and type it back in to the search box.
Ok.. I think I understand the issue now. Thank you for the clarification. I submitted these for review with our tech team, along with the refill issue.
Mark Dabeck Client Success Manager/Amazing Charts "Amazing Charts now offers On-Site Training. Message me for details".
Just upgraded to the new build 369. The refill requests I completed before the change over came back after the upgrade. I did resend just to make sure.
I opened the admin window, tools, lexi- data to first data and after all of the mapping with pts for the past week or so I still have 2714 medications to map. Guess I'll start this under admin with one computer and see how it goes. Luckily I do not see pts on Thursdays and I am the lone lone prescriber. I still don't know what will happen if I am mapping on one computer and prescribing on another(which would require mapping before sending in scripts).
Hit the Migrate Medication button to migrate the ones the system found and decreased my number to map down to 2710.
I have attached a screen shot of the allergy panel. It does not appear to be in alphabetical order and did not match any new allergies that I have not already mapped while seeing pts.
1st one is Accutane, why is the generic name (isotrtinoin) not listed in the FDBM for matching?
2nd why did the two acetaminophen not automatically match? I can not see a difference.
Yep... more examples of more work for us and/or our offices. It is really annoying. I have seen other examples of not having the generic name to map for a brand name drug.
BTW... Accutane is no longer available on the market. The other brands listed in your pic are. I just chose the last one since was similar enough.
What is the purpose of mapping anyway, I am a bit annoyed that can't even write a new Rx until mapping is done, why do I get the impression that it is a setting that can be turned off by someone in AC Land and the forced mapping completion is due to other reasons. I could be off base.
What is the purpose of mapping anyway, I am a bit annoyed that can't even write a new Rx until mapping is done, why do I get the impression that it is a setting that can be turned off by someone in AC Land and the forced mapping completion is due to other reasons. I could be off base.
To map each patient's medications that you had in pre v12 database to the new database in v12. It is a pain but there really is no way around it, unless you don't plan on writing any medications from the prior medication list in every established patient. Think of mapping as medication reconciliation between 2 different databases. The main gripe we are having... there are subtle differences in a great many medications that could have been auto mapped and saved us a lot of time and effort....."oral" being one of them. It is annoying but once it is completed, never have to do it again, unless AC changes medication database in the future.
I suppose being a database conversion technician can be added to the list of hats I wear but still don't see why old data cannot be tagged and lie dormant in AC you know 'greyed out' then new Rx added as needed into the wonderful new prescribing module but have that old greyed out Rx info available to be viewed and incorporated into a new Rx. Again just bitchin about the forced use of my time.
And it still makes me think a disconnect between providers/programmers/administrators where it isn't the providers who determine the workings of the system ... and someone else decided ...well looks like can't just merge the 2 databases so we will write a conversion program that is less than perfect and leave the final work to the providers to iron out the faults since of course they know best. Wonder if Jon had input?
Is this thread mandatory reading before doing the conversion? I mean does it make sense to use this thread to get through the mapping by everyone's recommendations?
Let's say you are in a room with a patient who needs six medications, some changed in his med list. How long could that take if all needed to be mapped.
OK, I am hijacking the thread for one moment because Jon can answer that.
Say, I am reading an UpToDate article on benzodiazepines for my DEA 8 hours of reading. If I leave it on for 4 hours, and it gives 0.5 CME credits, will it just give me 0.5 and not be suspicious of my leaving it on?
So, until you map it, you can't prescribe it? What if you can't find a map?
Yes, you cannot send a prescription electronically on a patient until their medications are mapped. If there is not a map, then link it to the "Free Text" at the very top on right hand column for your map.
Just checking if AC will push out the deadline for the upgrade from 6/30/24 to a month or so later. We have been doing patient by patient, brought it downfrom 2500 count to about 1100 med mappings . So there is no way we will be able to map all the remaining by 6/30/24 if we do patient by patient.
We may have to resort to a brute force method and take a day to map all of the remaining ones ( about 1000) from the admin window, if AC holdsthe 6/30/24 deadline firm.
Any comments from anyone on the strategy to upgrade.
Just checking if AC will push out the deadline for the upgrade from 6/30/24 to a month or so later. We have been doing patient by patient, brought it downfrom 2500 count to about 1100 med mappings . So there is no way we will be able to map all the remaining by 6/30/24 if we do patient by patient.
We may have to resort to a brute force method and take a day to map all of the remaining ones ( about 1000) from the admin window, if AC holdsthe 6/30/24 deadline firm.
Any comments from anyone on the strategy to upgrade.
Thanks Aramiz.
You just have to upgrade to v12 by 6/30 in order to still be able to ePrescribe but the mappings will be a work in progress over time. You can continue to just map patient by patient each time you prescribe and eventually you will map all of them....one day. I wouldn't stress over it. I'd just map the patients you are going to see that day at start of clinic.
OK, we have been calling NewCrop -- NewCrap for quite some time. FDB or First Databank https://www.fdbhealth.com/will be taking over that position. IT IS MUCH MORE ROBUST, but difficult at first because of the mapping. All the drugs have to match so Amoxicillin 400 mg/5mL oral liquid has to change to match Amoxicillin 400 mg/5mL (this is just an example.
I believe -- I certainly could be wrong that AC and FDB have agreed to work together. I believe the date set for this is July 1, 2024. Therefore, it isn't just AC extending out the date, it would be FDB doing so as well. You don't have to have everything mapped prior to the changeover (look at me, I have none mapped over).
This is my understanding. In order to move to a better ePrescribe support company, it means making these changeovers. It's kinda like when we were teenagers and we wanted 17 inch rims instead of 16 inch. The dealer was happy to sell them to us, but that meant adding air shocks to the rear of you car to lift the frame that one inch. OK, bad analogy.
Hi, I upgraded to version 12 about three weeks ago. Did something change over this past weekend (June 22-23) with Amazing Backup? It seems to be saving the Backup files in a different way. And the .Enc file is much smaller. My old back up file was 9 giga Bytes. now it is less than 1 gB. I do not seem to be missing any data. Dr Mo edit I attached a screen shot of my recent back up folder edit It appears that the difference is the "include imported items" is un checked (under advanced options). It seems the Imported Items are about 10 gigabytes. The Amazing Backup is ten times faster now! Do I need to back up the Imported Items every time? If I choose not to back them up every time should I do so manually every week or two? It is nice to have a much smaller .Enc file Thanks, Greg
Do you mind if I ask the approximate size of your backup file? I have a one doctor office running AC since 2008. My current .ENC file is 500 Mb last week and for the past year my .ENC file was 9.5 Gbytes.
That's what I was thinking. One must have an idea of how many patients they have. If in administration it says, 2,000 patients, then I imagine they are all there. Been practicing here 18 years and mine is 650 MB.
Support has offered to help me, and I am getting direct help from a user, but currently, we are using all paper scripts. We are calling in what we can and the patients have to come pick up the scripts if they are on controlled substance paper. Of course, this is the way it used to be. I don't understand the new system at all. It isn't working for me.
I can get "what I think is a mapped drug" to the pending area, but I can't get it to Prescribe med because it says the medication isn't selected. So I can't even print it. Others have figured this out so it must be I.
Now that I have actual hands-on experience with medication mapping, I thought I would mention a couple of points. To a large extent this summarizes things that Chris and others have pointed out.
Mapping of meds and allergies in V12 could be easier... I am done trying to understand/explain why we have to do it. Also done scratching my head about why the process is harder than it needs to be (yeah, its annoying for hundreds of docs and providers to waste hours laboring over things that should have been matched for us). This post is simply to focus on getting through it as fast as possible.
1. Watch the AC video on mapping. Some of the process is changed, but 7 minutes watching is time well spent.
2. As noted in posts above, you can upgrade within a chart or by going into Admin options. The latter is tempting; we started with 3000 meds to map, and it helps me to see that number go down as I clear them in the Admin section. Unless you want to spend a bunch of hours upfront, you will probably use a hybrid process and use the second method as well, and map within an individual patient's chart. This is what you must do - for each patient- to be able to prescribe for that particular patient.
3. Remember this is a two part process; mapping and migrating. After you map the meds, you still cannot eprescribe until you migrate them with the button at the bottom.
4. A significant improvement made after the video came out is that when you do a bunch of meds in the Admin options area, you can migrate that group of meds and go back to work seeing patients or doing other work in the program.
5. A point discovered, I think by Chris, is a big time and click-saver. When you select the mapped version on the right column, double click it and that maps it. (Instead of clicking it once, then moving to the "map" button, clicking, and coming back to the next medication). This also applies to free texting; double click the "free text'" and there is no need to type the free text- it is put in automatically.
6. I would strongly suggest using "free text" rather freely. If you are agonizing over which choice to map to, use free text. If it is a med you rarely if ever use, feel free to free text. I know my situation is a bit different as a specialist, but all the herbals, weird combination vitamins, diabetes supplies or anything else that I rarely if ever prescribe - free text them. Feel free to come at me with disadvantages to doing this that I have not considered.
Mark@AC: Updox System Issues An update has been posted We will be taking the application offline at 4:30 PM (Eastern) to perform emergency maintenance. The application will be down for approximately 1 hour.
ACZ: Still no fix to prescibing. Nobody available from AC last time I checked. I have an email request in. Anyone else?
ACZ: update on prescribing: After calling thursday morning and leaving a message, received call from AC. They changed something on their end, and prescribing is fixed.
AMCS: This is from newcrop: New incident: Investigating We are currently investigating an error that may occur when attempting to transmit prescriptions. This is resulting in prescriptions remaining queued. Our engineers are working on resolution presently.
Bert: I am sure AC knows. It's probably a NewCrop issue and they are working on it
Clem Surak: Is anyone else using ACPM and the EOBs are not matching up to patient accounts and the EOBs are having to be retyped into ACPM? Started a couple of weeks ago. Payer IDs are correct and match the EOB payer IDs.
tcosta: @ Clem Surak: yes, this has been going on for MONTHS in our office. We've been told it's the payers fault and it has to do with loop segments and payer response. Doesn't make sense to me, considering it's ALL the time now on multiple EOB's a week.
tcosta: It almost never used to happen and now it's constant.
tcosta: ACPM is extremely short staffed and it's taking them days to respond and fix the issue.
Clem Surak: Yes, it has been getting progressively worse. I have a ticket logged, but have not heard back, so I keep retyping the EOBs so that our accounting is up to date. Hope the migration to the new Clearinghouse fixes this issue. Thanks for the response.
Bert: Can anyone tell me where the post is from AIDevelopment
lesmar: "Prescription batch error. There was an unknown failure trying to complete the prescription batch for [patient name]."' I was just trying to send a refill on narcotic medication. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks