I have read the notification about why this is going to happen, but when will v12 be actually available for general release (not beta) prior to the June 30 deadline? Will local host users be able to self upgrade their server and clients as with prior releases? Are the hardware and software requirements going to be the same as with v11.5?
I reached out to support, and was told BETA testing is tentatively projected to be completed at the end of March. When BETA testing is complete, an email will be sent out providing the v12 installer and database tuner links for self-upgrade.
(I agree, the message we are receiving within the software recommending and appointment for the upgrade is confusing, and apparently unnecessary. )
The beta is delayed due to issues with upstream testing of the NewCrop/SureScripts connections requiring fixes on their parts. Amazing Charts understands the critical aspects of this update and are working closely with these companies to get this out asap (and stably). Hang in!
You guys may need to get accustomed to these mandator upgrades. AC back in the day was very generous in supporting very old installations of their software, especially back in the Bertman days. Today, however, supporting everything under the sun just isn't feasible.
So wait until end of May or first of June after all the "bugs" worked out. OK. I just hope there are no new bugs introduced. The last upgrade was not a very good experience.
Exactly. The team is working hard (overtime) to debug and coordinating with SureScripts and NewCrop for appropriate full testing of ECPS before beta. Looks like later this week for beta!
I updated over the weekend. It went very smoothly and quickly. Even the server updated in less than 10 minutes and the tuner was about 5 minutes. Prior version 11 updates have had glitches for one thing or another but no computer had an issue The med database needs to be updated either individually or in bulk but best practice was listed as individual and it is NON reversible per their instructions. I'll just do individual for now and possibly bulk as we get to the end of June when they must be upgraded
Wendell Pediatrician in Chicago
The patient's expectation is that you have all the answers, sometimes they just don't like the answer you have for them
Nice job. Do you know since you have to change all the medications over if it is using another database instead of SureScripts?
You kinda made it sound like changing the medication over either one by one or in bulk was not a big deal. Everything I have heard about it sounded like it was going to be a royal PITA. Like when we had to codify everything, but actually worse.
Overall everything was smooth. I had one patient where I had put in the sig and went to send but it said no sig, then no pharmacy but other than that one patient everything was uneventful. I really like having the pharmacy on the final page and having the ability to change it there. It seems to be picking the last used pharmacy, something that wasn't consistent enough to count on.
Wendell Pediatrician in Chicago
The patient's expectation is that you have all the answers, sometimes they just don't like the answer you have for them
I have a very large database and medication migration needed technical support. If there are comments (like Medicine refilled---matched---NewCrop--) and the character length is long, you cannot send the prescription electronically. There is no way to see or remove those comments (at least on the version 12 Beta that I was given). We have had random crashes a well, not many but do happen. Other than the change in med data base, for us, there is not much improvement in the features that we use. I suggest waiting for those bugs to be fixed.
I did not get to the office this weekend to do the V12 beta transfer. I am shooting for Tuesday night.
Naeem, interesting about the comments in the prescribing. I have had several where NewCrop is not allowing me to send in a prescription because the comments are too long. I have found that the comments will be something along the lines of the 'new crop matched approved refill, blah blah blah'. This is a string of things in the prescription comment. When I get these because the comments are too long, I have to open the pt chart, go to the Current Medications box, open this box, open the medication that is not sending, delete the comments in the Additional Comments/Reason block, and then Save Changes. Then go back to the chart and send the medication as a refill.
Just so happens I pulled up a chart and looked at the meds while typing this and this is an example of the med comments:
"Approved electronic renewal request sent to NewCrop. Renewal matched to famotidine 40 mg oral tablet. Approved electronic renewal request sent to NewCrop. Renewal matched to famotidine 40 mg oral tablet."
Next Med: "Approved electronic renewal request sent to NewCrop. Renewal matched to FLUoxetine 20 mg oral capsule. Approved electronic renewal request sent to NewCrop. Renewal matched to FLUoxetine 20 mg oral capsule."
I was hoping V12 would automatically wipe out all of these messages but I guess not. Maybe Jon can help us out here and get AC- Tec/Support/Developemnt to look at it.
Are the pharmacy requests ever going to allow sending in controlled substances? Seems if I don't deny and use the drop-down "medication prescribed by other means" and then go to the chart and send it, it just stays in my queue. Then sometimes we get a call asking "why did you deny my med?" Also is the plan to eventually have SureScripts do all of the pharmacy procedures? Glad to be getting rid of NewCrap.
Lane Cook Psychiatrist, Knoxville, TN "Experience is NOT doing the same thing over and over"
Took the plunge. They want to charge quite a bit to do this upgrade but if you have done other upgrades it is pretty similar. The difference is with the drug database. They recommend doing in on a patient by patient basis, similar to codifying. That makes prescription writing take more time if you are writing scripts with the patient in the room. My suggestion would be to go to the refill page and do any needed migrations prior to seeing the patient or any time you have to reply to a message about the patient or sign off an imported item. One migrations are done for a particular patient it does not have to be done again. Have to be VERY careful because there are many similar variations of the same medication. For some items no match is found and they cannot be e-prescribed. Like the option to change the pharmacy on the TRANSMIT page (instead of saying "oops" and having to go back to change the pharmacy on the prior page) as well as seeing the pharmacy address on the TRANSMIT page. Also notes written on the prescriptions are showing up in the message again. Otherwise so far so good.
Last edited by doctheo88; 05/14/202410:57 AM.
Theo A. Stephens, MD Internal Medicine, Baltimore, MD
I found that I have to do requested controlled scripts on one day and then do the denial, "sent by other means", on the next day. Otherwise it seems they cannot get it sorted out and patients are told the script was denied. It is a pain in the ...
Theo A. Stephens, MD Internal Medicine, Baltimore, MD
That was a big problem and the scripts could not be sent. Had to Archive it and write a whole new prescription. Now on V12 so will see if that still happens.
Theo A. Stephens, MD Internal Medicine, Baltimore, MD
AC has been charging for upgrades if you do not try for yourself. I have not heard what the cost will be for this upgrade or if there will be a cost so hopefully doctheo88 and say more to the price. I know in the past if you attempted the upgrade and something went wrong then tech would help without charge. I was going to try the upgrade myself on Tuesday bit things did not work out. I will be doing it this weekend and hope I don't have problems before the Monday Morning rush. I was trying to find a day without a lot going on but just hasn't happened.
I think the big thing is the changing of the meds. It would be time consuming for AC support, thus the reason for a charge. It will be time consuming for us as well but I feel the thinking from AC is we know the meds and can fix/match things as they appear.
There was a notice that if the upgrade is done by AC there would be a charge that would be determined by the number of computers that would need the upgrade. I decided to participate in Beta testing to have the charges waved. However after a problem with our server on the initial attempt during the day I ended up upgrading it myself on a Friday evening to avoid having AC unavailable for the amount of time needed. If you have done upgrades yourself prior to this you can probably do this upgrade. The only difference is having to deal with the medication mapping after the upgrade. Review the video they have PRIOR to doing the medication mapping.
This is a copy of the notice enclosed in an e-mail sent to me about the upgrade:
Note: Upgrade charges are waived when you are participating in the beta Program and participating in the Beta will ensure you are on version 12 before the June, 30th, 2024 deadline. Any client using our hosted platform does not need to schedule an appointment, as they will be automatically upgraded before the deadline. If you are a hosted client, one of our technicians will be contacting you to confirm an upgrade date.
Theo A. Stephens, MD Internal Medicine, Baltimore, MD
We did the upgrade on 5/14/24. Below is summary of our experience:
1. Upgrade itself was not bad and very typical. 2. After upgrade we faced with the need to map and migrate over 2500 Meds and allergiies from Lexi to First Data Bank. 3. We are doing it patient by patient but it adds over an hour to our everyday workflow for the patients scheduled for a given day. 4. And yes once the migration is done for one case it will not pop up anymore for other patients
5. Doing the upgrade now rather than waiting would save scrambling towards June 30, 2024 milestone date, if AC holds tight the deadline. 6. There is an AC video tutorial and a PDF file tutorial.
7. Even if AC does the upgrade for the server and the clients, not sure they will map thousands of meds and allergiesfor a clinic, that activity may still say with the clinic staff.
You do it after the upgrade. However once you upgrade you cannot e-prescribe until you map medications for patients that need mapping. I have noted that not all medications or patients require mapping.
Observations after 1 week: - It looks like it makes you map medications that are on the inactive listing. - Some medications/supplies/glucometers etc. cannot be found in the new database and you have to select Free Text Medication. - If you expand to full screen when mapping you can see the choices in the new database better. There may be subtle differences. - Sometimes when I map then try to e-prescribe right after that the prescriptions do not show up on the message. For now my work around is to map, than re-select/go back to that patient/message again and do the prescriptions.
Other than that the main issue is the time it takes, therefore my suggestion if you have the time is to select the REFILL tab for patients on your daily schedule before you start seeing them and do the mapping beforehand. Awkward and frustrating being in the room with the patient with the mapping screen popping up when you are ready to prescribe.
Theo A. Stephens, MD Internal Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Correct, but if you want to migrate all your meds before seeing patients (e.g., outside office hours), you can go to the Admin section, click the Tools menu, and then select Lexi-Data to First Data Bank conversion and get it done so you don't have to do it patient by patient.
I am sure that AC has communicated the answers to all of these good, critical questions in the email they sent to all of us, describing the mandatory upgrade and the process for migrating meds.
From my experience so far if a particular patient does not have medications that need mapping you can e-prescribe. However if ANY of the medications need mapping you cannot e-prescribe for that patient until ALL medications and ALL allergies have been mapped. I experimented and tried to do it without matching all meds and it takes you back to the mapping screen.
Theo A. Stephens, MD Internal Medicine, Baltimore, MD
There is that option to do it in bulk but in the video they recommend doing it patient by patient, probably to avoid "mis-mapping". The caution is once done cannot be undone.
Theo A. Stephens, MD Internal Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Now we know why I no longer support bare-metal installs a. k. a. non-virtualized environments.
In the situation of doing the mass mapping, I would just take a snapshot of the virtual machine, try the mass mapping, and revert back if it didn't work. Same with the upgrade. Saving a snapshot takes seconds. Reverting to a snapshot takes minutes.
For you bare-metal install guys, if something goes wrong you get to spend 1.5 days restoring from backup. Maybe more.
100% agree with running AC virtually. Snapshots are the best. I keep regular backups of my VMs on different drives/hardware in case of disaster, too. VirtualBox is my preferred hypervisor. You can even image your current bare-metal server, convert that image to a VM, and run it. It's all about flexibility.
For the practices that have already done the v12 upgrade, is the current AmazingChartsV12.0.0 Build 329 the version you installed or have there been further build changes?
I just finished updating to version 12. The build I downloaded a few days ago was 329. The current build on the portal is 355. They do not work with each other....ask me how I know,
I downloaded the 329 version a few days ago and didn't install until this morning, so while it was working on the main computer I went to the portal to download for a client computer. I downloaded, opened and installed. When done went to connect and it wouldn't work. Looked at the build number and current is 355. I could not figure the best way to back up that computer to 329 and didn't have time to download the main up to 355. All of the other clients are working well on 329 but I am not seeing pt's today so have not worked on the prescribing/mapping yet.
Hi, We upgraded to version 12 build 355. everything is great except for a persistent inbox message that says, "LABEDI LAB: auto import failure notification - error" If anyone knows how to turn off this error message please let me know. I don't have any links/ connections set up with Quest etc. (have never had a lab connection). Dr Mo
5/24/24 did version 12.0 build 358 Up from 355 reported on this board. No problems. Not sure why build if increasing prob fixing rare install situations? maybe wait til build # stops increasing?
Mapping is a pain and many of them are senseless.
A highlighted and pre selected suggested mapping based on what other people have chosen would be great.
Would like to have a mute/ignore button for old meds we'll never prescribe.
Yep, I decided to just download the newest version late Thursday and get all computers on the same build. So I am now on version 358. I also am curious why the different builds. I wonder if the changes in the builds are pushed out to the users at some point? I do like that the upgrade was able to automatically see that the client computers were not the main computer. It automatically set as the main computer as, the main computer.
I have not started the mapping. I was under the impression that when I upgraded to version 12 that the escribe refills needed to be done before the change. This is not the case. I upgraded to version 12 and everything looked the same on prescribing. When you upgrade, you need to review the release notes! There is a hyperlink in the release notes that will take you to a video of how to do the mapping. You have to physically go in as admin and under tools and click on the box to activate the First Data change. Before making this change is when all refills need to be completed.
With new builds, Version still 12.0.0 so likely installer refinements?
Don't do the en-masse mapping unless you have few historical meds. I had 1200, majority old discontinued stuff. Anything ever prescribed (that doesn't have an automatch) has to be mapped. I did do all the allergy mapping in one go.
Then I think it's more reasonable to just click on each patient for the next week's schedule and hit meds. Reconcile 1 pt at a time. After I did 3 weeks of schedule in ~1.5 hrs it becomes less and less onerous as your most common unmatched items get matched.
Worst for me is the many old glucometer models and insulin needle types. I wish I could automap them to "glucometer, strip, pen needle, lancet of choice".
Seems fine. I'll do the medication mapping with each individual patient, but I did the allergy mapping in bulk since there were not very many. Medication is 2250 to do....ugh.
I get an error in "Messages" inbox and would like to turn off the error notification if anyone knows how. See below. I don't use lab interfaces.
LAB: auto-import failure notification - 1 error
Import failure: no active interfaces were found. Please turn on your desired interface in the Admin section of Amazing Charts (under the Interfaces tab).
This error keeps appearing after it fails. It is annoying.
I've has a couple of error messages with the labs as well. I haven't looked to see what the problem is to fix.
I have 3915 medications so will be doing it pt by pt. Plan on working on some charts tomorrow to match. I think the match is for the entire practice which if that is the case a lot of the things are probably not used or are just similar. We have had 4 total providers over the years of using AC. I know the first chart it matched both active and inactive medications.
Medication drops for the eye is eye and not ophthalmic, just FYI, in case anyone else goes looking.
NICE THAT THE PHARMACY CAN BE CHANGED AFTER HITTING THE PRESCRIBE BUTTON!!!!!! And yes Bert, here you can see the full address, still can not at the prepare script screen.
Glucose supplies are horrible, I usually put the most generic I can find. I agree that it should just be supplies of choice. We never seem to get it right with the insurance company coverage.
If someone in programming would have noticed the old version had "oral tablet" on a lot of the medications, the new database only has "tablet". The "oral" throws the system off and it did not automatically match so now it has to be mapped.
The system matched Diflucan 150mg but you can't use it due to the NDC is invalid so has to be changed to fluconazole 150mg. Took me a minute to figure out what happened.
Just got a map request for Byetta, don't this that is even around anymore! I sure haven't used it in several years.
I have noticed that the "oral" problem is not universal because some meds did map over automatically.
Thus the reason for longer Beta testing, I just hadn't had time to update until last week. So far I am ok with everything but the mapping is time consuming. This slight difference would have saved a lot of time. I also see that "topical" can have a similar issue. I have also found where the spelling would be the same except for capitalization in the middle of the drug name and this was not automatically matched.
Tell me about it. I now get an unhandled exemption error when trying to print demographics. Doesn't matter the printer or workstation, happens every time.
Tech support called back after I sent email. It is a know bug and sounds like a new build is coming.
fflac, it provides little satisfaction, but you should know that many of us appreciate those of you who took the plunge to work out these bugs. Even though the update has been released, we know that you are acting as beta testers and we appreciate it. We are aiming to upgrade about 6/6, but may push that back if you pioneers continue to suffer through these fixable bugs.
Thanks, JBS, I was willing to beta test for longer, guess AC is getting nervous not everyone will make the cut off. I do feel the mapping is a big step for the providers. You may want a nurse to help with this if you have someone competent to trust. Pulling the schedule ahead of time is a great idea. The only problem with doing it off of the schedule is the time away from other tasks.
The mapping can be a little time consuming. Seems like some things are obvious (oral tablet vs tablet, topical cream vs topical, capital letters vs not capitalized, diabetes supplies in general) and others are very difficult to find. Some meds seem hard to find a map. Hard to explain, sorry so vague but just sometimes the map should be there and isn't.
Interestingly, I have not found any medications in the electronic refill requests (Pending Pharmacy Requests, Renewals) screen that required a mapping. Not sure why you have to map in the chart but able to push thru in refill requests.
Other than the few bugs and the tedious mapping it has been stable. I am on peer to peer with and and 6 workstations. I have one workstation that will not load AC. Support nor the local IT guy can figure out why? We are going to wipe and reboot that machine and start over.
ffac: I do not think you can roll back, Version 358 is able to print demographics, sorry.
AmazingDave: G2211 is not in the program at this time. You can add CPT codes yourself and there are posts her with that information. I have had to do it as well. That is an interesting code. Will talk to my billing staff about that one!
Well, you don't have to be a beta tester, lol. No I am glad that some go before us.
This is a thought. Those that want to be beta testers could actually sign up for it and be given the beta version early. Those testers should get something in return. Maybe a full year of support would be too much but even 10% to 15% off would be a good overture.
True, I don't have to be, but I feel like I got suckered into being one by threat of no ePrescribe at end of June. I should have waited longer. I will remember this for future reference. If AC wants more beta testers, then pay up.
I agree Bert some discount would be nice. I did the Beta for V11 because I needed to move database to the new server and they offered to do it for free.
I am glad to try it and find problemsas long as it doesn't all go up in smoke!
I will have to look at that computer and get back with ya.
See I put them all in one post to not run up my count..........
I am sure it is at least Windows 10 Pro. Probably Windows 11. Either way, if you are wanting to save some time before reformatting, you can always fire up a VM and run the program there. You don't have to activate it will just lose a few fetures, but it will work fine. You can just keep it running all the time and run AC from there.
thanks Bert, right now just trying to map all these medications and make sense of things
AC changes: testosterone intramuscular vs (new)testosterone intramuscular oil; nasal spray did not match because the new one as aerosol at the end, injectable suspension vs suspension for injection
The favorites are not saving, this was also a known problem in V11, guess it did not get fixed.
The old favorites are present but some are no longer active after mapping. I found they can be codified and then will be reactivated, I think, need to play with it some more.
Controlled substances have to have the "days supply" on the prescription (according to Texas law) the problem with this is AC is automatically marking the "course days" the same amount thus at the end of the "days supply, course supply" AC is automatically inactivating the medication. You have to go to inactive medications and reactivate. This is unnecessary and time consuming.
I second the "oral" problem with mapping. I cannot believe AC could not code their software to map better than this. So time consuming. At least only have to do it once...
The favorites are not saving, this was also a known problem in V11, guess it did not get fixed.
Not to get off track here but we were specifically told by support that in V12, we can control the favorites. In other words, whereas now the favorites are saved by some opaque algorithm known only to AC (so we end up with a slew of favorites we do not want) that we can actually pick and save favorites. I was very happy to hear this - I view it as a worthwhile improvement to erx.
JBS: I don't think you were misled it is something that was supposed to be in V11 and 12. It was supposed to be fixed in V11 but couldn't get it to work. I reported that it wasn't working. They were trying to figure out why it was not saving. I thought V12 would fix but it hasn't. I think I see a pattern for saving the favorites multiple times for the same medication but need time to play with the issue. This is frustrating. The "add to favorites" box is automatically check when prescribing but the program is not saving the prescription as a favorite. I believe it is only saving a 'favorite' ones the program sees that medication as one that is in the top 100 prescribed. This was how the favorites started a few years back, or at least that is my understanding. I see no way to remove a medication from favorites which was also an issue this version was supposed to fix.
The main tech support person I have been working with has not been available so when he gets back I will try and get with him and fill him in on all of the happenings. Poor guy!!!!!
Be careful on the matching. The box does not open to full screen and can be deceiving. I swear I had already matched this VERSION OF METFORMIN but I guess not. I found an error in the databank for the meds or at least I think it is an error.
Just had Tylenol Extra Strength again, I know I have already mapped it! This is time consuming! Makes manual (non electronic refill request take much longer). I know it will get better but geez.
Just curious, I have never used the med DM2, has anyone used that for metformin?
This medication mapping is a royal pain. Almost makes me long for the days of NewCrap. Yes it has been that bad for me. I am just hoping it ends soon.
One of the things that seemed to be improved BEFORE this change was that when you write a prescription the quantity would auto fill, it may be wrong on occasion but mostly it was correct, now the system does not auto fill quantity. Not a big deal most of the time but things like nebulizers, inhalers are time consuming if you don't do them all the time. And of course, we can't put "nebs 1 box"
thanks to everyone for documenting their experience.
I just downloaded the current build v12.0.0 build 358. (most current available as of 6/2/2024 When I saw it was still 12.0.0, I came here to see what the experience is with bugs, etc. But now I'm a little terrified of the whole mapping experience.
1) Should I take the plunge on Build 358? Or, wait another couple weeks? Let them weed out more bugs, or risk bumping up too close to the deadline?
2) I'd like to watch that conversion video, but strangely they didn't include the link in the release notes (just a pic of the link from the mass conversion page). Can someone please post the link if available?
3) To clarify, someone mentioned that although the Release Notes recommend mass mapping, the Video recommend individually doing it patient-by-patient? So if you choose to do patient-by-patient, then you would just skip this step? If my nurse were to do it for the next day's patients, would she get a prompt? (apologies if this is all explained in the video)
4) I feel more people talking about doing patient-by-patient. Does anyone have any experience with the mass mapping? I can only imagine how many meds our 3 provider practice would have after 15 years or so, but I'd venture in the 1000s. So if it really was a 3000+ mapping job, could I set it up to go when I leave work, and have it finished the next morning? And if for those meds unable to be mapped, could you still go back and clean it up later patient by patient, or are you forced to reconcile then and there? (So tempted to let it take how many hours it would need overnight, but trying to avoid accidentally paralyzing the office when we walk in the next day).
thanks to everyone for documenting their experience.
4) I feel more people talking about doing patient-by-patient. Does anyone have any experience with the mass mapping? I can only imagine how many meds our 3 provider practice would have after 15 years or so, but I'd venture in the 1000s. So if it really was a 3000+ mapping job, could I set it up to go when I leave work, and have it finished the next morning? And if for those meds unable to be mapped, could you still go back and clean it up later patient by patient, or are you forced to reconcile then and there? (So tempted to let it take how many hours it would need overnight, but trying to avoid accidentally paralyzing the office when we walk in the next day).
"mass mapping" is not like you described. You map every one of them on one screen, one at a time...not like a one click and come back later. The reason why everyone is mapping patient by patient, is because there are Thousands of meds to map depending on how big the practice is or how many providers. I am 1 provider and have had AC since 2009 and I have 2500+ meds. I map either all patients for that day or each time I eRxn. It sucks because there are obvious matches that could have been done without human intervention. i.e. "oral" in one database but not listed "oral" in other database with all other med name exactly the same. Good luck.
1. Build 358 has been stable, for the most part. I have had 2 crashes. It does seem faster. Does not seem to have the same bugs as the 361 that was released but no longer available. All that to say I think development at AC is still fixing things but this version is ok to use.
2. Personal decision to take the plunge now but know mapping is the major issue. I would prepare everyone in the office. If you have someone that does not have a lot of patience for change warn them this can be tedious.
3. The link is in the release notes when you open the build, glad it got posted here. I was the same way, trying to find the video hitting the nonlink on the release of the release but it wasn't really a release!!! LOL
4. I am solo now but have had 4 prescribes in the office in AC over the years. One was here since the inception of us using AC but retired in 2019. We also started with AC around 2009. I have 3815 medications to map and 128 allergies! I am not sure why the allergies are so high but will say that the allergy list is a pain. It does not appear to be in alphabetical order. As ffac posted, this is not a simple hit the button, let it run it's course and come back with a cup of coffee. The program does match some automatically but this 3815 are ones that did not map in the initial auto process. You don't see the auto process happening. I can't imagine sitting down and doing all of them at one time but if I had a nurse that I could dedicate to this and KNOWS MEDICATIONS VERY WELL, is meticulous then I might would dedicate a day of work for mappin all of the meds at once. The only problem I see is when you open a chart if you do not match ALL of the meds then the escribe will not send. AGAIN, ALL MEDICATIONS FOR THE PT HAVE TO BE MAPPED OR NOTHING SENDS! I say this because I don't know what happens if you start someone mapping all and then a provider sees a pt, opens the chart and matches all meds does this transfer to the person also doing the bulk match? AS stated earlier there are things that could have made this easier. Hopefully that can be fixed for others. It would be good to do the mapping ahead of time from the schedule. Maybe start the day 30 minutes to an hour earlier or see if a nurse can come in earlier, schedule pt start times a little later? I think the best thing is before you switch bring all the staff together and find common ground on what this entails and how best to proceed.
GOOD LUCK, please be sure to post back your experiences. I know by the end of the day Friday I was frustrated due to the extra time this takes and wanting to get out of the office.
I am sure that Harris is sending daily or weekly updates to the thousands of users who do not come to this board, so everyone has the benefit of all the knowledge being gathered as our "beta testers" work their way through the various builds and mapping processes.
Would be nice to hear what changes have been made..........I would wait and ask if the "oral" mapping issues is corrected. I would think this would be an easy fix and could save a lot of time for your mapping!
Latest build 369 but the database tuner build is still build 358. I had never installed AC with different build numbers of main AC and database tuner. Anyone think that will be a problem?
Good luck with the surgery! I don't think that V12 is that bad but close, hey if your taking some time off you might want to consider the mapping at that time, at least you'll already have a pain in the butt to deal with!
yes that was my thought also, look at the schedule for july and august and do the mapping on those patients, something to take my mind off having a catheter for 10 days
The problem we had printing order and demographics: is gone. The work around we had was to take a screen shot of the order or demo page (as it could not be printed) using windows logo key on keyboard and print screen key; it automatically saved in picture folder of C drive as screen shot and then we could print the screen shot. My staff had to use a pair of scissors to cut out the unnecessary margins/borders.
Re: Mapping. We had 2468 medications using AC for 20 yrs. It is down to 771 after 7 days of V12. I would not lose sleep about it. It takes extra time to map and then to refill meds, but not bad. In free time like lunch time I do map- from admin screen, but lately it is mostly at each patient level at the time of visit/phone calls. It has to be done anyways, if not today, tomorrow...... But it is doable. Yes, there are errors in First Data bank database, but if I can't find the exact match, I do free text match and migrate. Later on, I right mouse click on that med and codify it, it will take extra time, few extra clicks. Hope this helps.
As I contemplate upgrading this week, I have two questions for the brave souls here who have already blazed a trail on the mapping processes.
The first is: why not have a very low threshold to 'free text' medications, rather than mapping them, especially if there is any difficulty quickly finding a match? This would be especially true if you do not expect to be prescribing the medication regularly in the future. To put it another way... what exactly is the downside of having the medication as a free text'? It basically just means that IF you prescribe it in the future, you will need to find it in the new database at that time, right?
My second question relates to mapping in the Admin section vs mapping chart-by-chart.
It appears from the video and instructions that "mapping" is the first step of the process, and "migrating" completes it. According to the video, one cannot migrate in Admin until ALL the drugs are mapped. The "migrate"button at the bottom of the screen is greyed out until all meds are mapped.
This means that if you work from the admin screen, much of the work you do there will likely be duplicated. Let's say I have 1000 meds to map and migrate. I go to the admin screen and map the first 500, which takes me through all the drugs starting with "A" through "M" (as they seem to be listed alphabetically). But now its time to see patients, so I start mapping and migrating chart-by-chart. Any meds in the patients charts that start with "A" through "M" now have to be mapped and migrated again, right? They have not yet been migrated.
To me, this is a strong argument for either completing the mapping in Admin in one sitting (or over a weekend) OR just doing the process chart-by-chart and skip "admin"?
1. I have decided to have a fairly low threshold but most things are easily found. Diabetes supplies and supplements are the worst. Diabetes all go under a generic diabetes meter, lancet, pens etc. Supplements are sometimes mapped others just free text. I think the only problem is if you don't map you have to codify later.
2. I am wondering the same thing. If you start in admin you would need to continue in admin until completed because the migration button does not become usable until ALL are mapped. This is the same in the pt chart. I am wondering if I can now go to the ADMIN on the weekend and map any that are left? Could you start mapping in admin on one computer and move to another to see pt's map those that need to be and come back to admin and the system already know?
I have attached 2 screenshots from a refill this morning. This is for an allergy map issue. The first i th screen that I got with the need to map the allergy the second is when I typed in "shell fish". This is a fairly common allergy.
The other thing I have encountered is doing the " pending pharmacy requests, renewals" (electronic refills) a medication has to have a match or you can not deny the refill request. Why? I think that is just asking for problems.
I thought I would chime in with one thing about the mapping process. We made one small change to the mapping functionality from the original release of V12 to the latest build. The change is that you no longer have to complete all mapping in the Admin screen to migrate. In the latest build, if you open the mapping screen in admin, you will notice that the migrate button is lit up. This means you will be able to hit the migrate button at any point, migrating the medications you have already mapped. This change was put in after we created the videos and help documentation, which is why its not reflected in there. I am working on getting the help documentation updated.
So how does this change the mapping process? Here is what I would recommend. - After upgrading and switching to the FDB database, you will be taken to the admin mapping screen. Immediately click the migrate button at the bottom of that screen. This will migrate the medications that are already mapped. - I would then go through the more common medications through admin and map those. Once you have done the common (most popular) medications, click the migrate button again to migrate just those medications. - I would then map all the allergies through admin.
Now, from here I would switch to migrating patient by patient. This will cut down on the number of medications you need to migrate on a per patient basis, and the migration process should be quicker as well as there will be less medication the system needs to migrate at that time.
Hope that helps.
Mark Dabeck Client Success Manager/Amazing Charts "Amazing Charts now offers On-Site Training. Message me for details".
So did the medication refill I mentioned above. Matched to the discontinued version of the med since I can't just bypass and deny. Opened the chart and there it is,the denied refill was an inactivated medication because the pt isn't on it any more but now is back in the med list! Shows to be refilled by me today at this time but yet I denied the refill! The program activated the medication back into the pt profile because I HAD TO MATCH TO SOMETHING IN THE REFILL REQUEST.
I can't be the only one seeing these problems. I do not have anyone in the office do refills for me. Please if you have staff doing refills have them be very careful. In my opinion things like this are dangerous to us as the prescriber/provider. Who is going to be responsible if a pt has had problems with a medication in the past or you double a medication (med class) that causes a severe reaction?
Thanks, Mark. Your post answers my question above and points out a seemingly helpful change in the mapping process that AC has recently made. It seems to clarify the best overall process for mapping.
Can you please help with some of the other questions here? (e.g. which build to look for and how to get it, and some of the issues that Chris is having)?
Also... is Harris emailing everyone else out there to explain that if you watched the video and read the instructions, a change has been made and you need to go back and re-think your process?
I have attached 2 screenshots from a refill this morning. This is for an allergy map issue. The first i th screen that I got with the need to map the allergy the second is when I typed in "shell fish". This is a fairly common allergy.
The other thing I have encountered is doing the " pending pharmacy requests, renewals" (electronic refills) a medication has to have a match or you can not deny the refill request. Why? I think that is just asking for problems.
FYI: In the new database "Shell Fish" is one word ("shellfish"), and there are 4 options that is could be now "Shellfish", "Shellfish derived", "Shellfish (substance)", or "Shellfish toxin".
Mark Dabeck Client Success Manager/Amazing Charts "Amazing Charts now offers On-Site Training. Message me for details".
4) This build fixes the printing issues (cannot print from any crystal reports screen), the print preview a controlled med prohibiting that med from being transmitted, and the medications not saving to the plan if the med is prescribed directly after mapping
5) No, you are not.
6) Lets set up a time to jump on a call and go through your questions. You know I am always willing to help.
Last edited by Mark@AC; 06/05/202411:03 AM.
Mark Dabeck Client Success Manager/Amazing Charts "Amazing Charts now offers On-Site Training. Message me for details".
1. Thanks, will see how it works for me this evening. I'll post back.
2. I explained the process of the problem in the post here on the forum. It is not medication specific it is an inactivated medication, nonmatch medication issue. The root problem is you have to have a match to deny a medication. Development just needs to make it where you can deny a prescription, matched or not.
3. V12 Build 358
4. Printing wasn't an issue in 358, glad they got that fixed for ffac and anyone else on 361. I really hope the problem with the disappearing med after mapping is fixed! I am having to prescribe twice for the meds to show up in the plan.
RE: "When you went to the new version it showed you how many still need to be matched?"
Yes it does on the very top.
Everyone will have to map all meds, not only active, but inactive medicines, also for inactive patients, pts who left the practice, dead patients, medicines that are pulled of the market, obsolete medicines (like lantus opticlik!)......
Quote: FYI: In the new database "Shell Fish" is one word ("shellfish"), and there are 4 options that is could be now "Shellfish", "Shellfish derived", "Shellfish (substance)", or "Shellfish toxin".
You are just reinforcingmy point and why I posted the screenshots! In the first one it is spelled as one word, nothing came up for shellfish in any form but random meds were in the match box and not in alphabetical order, in the second screen shot I showed that I typed in "shell Fish" as 2 separate words and then the "shellfish" options started showing up.
Thanks Joseph for the input. You are correct it is all medications since starting with Ac and all different variations ever prescribed. Something simple like having it auto match oral tablet to tablet should have been an easy change before pushing out this version. Thus the need for a better testing and response from AC, my opinion.
I am glad you are not finding it as bad as it sounds because I am very frustrated right now. Maybe because with the map I have over 3000 meds to map and am the only one in the office doing it. The other prescribes that pout things in differently are either retired or doing a different job.
" medicines that are pulled of the market, obsolete medicines (like lantus opticlik!)......
I would suggest not wasting any time or thought on these! Just click "free text". There is literally no downside that I can see to this (since you will never be prescribing them again).
I have attached 2 screenshots from a refill this morning. This is for an allergy map issue. The first is the screen that I got with the need to map the allergy the second is when I typed in "shell fish". This is a fairly common allergy.
The other thing I have encountered is doing the " pending pharmacy requests, renewals" (electronic refills) a medication has to have a match or you can not deny the refill request. Why? I think that is just asking for problems.
FYI: In the new database "Shell Fish" is one word ("shellfish"), and there are 4 options that is could be now "Shellfish", "Shellfish derived", "Shellfish (substance)", or "Shellfish toxin".
Mark... and folks who are following along.... There are big issues and smaller annoying ones being discussed here as people go through the process. It is tough to describe these issues in a few words, but Chris' screenshots make this one clear. It is worth spending a minute to understand it.
1. "Shellfish" should not have to be mapped. "Shellfish" in Lexi-Data should automatically be mapped to "Shellfish" in FDB. This is an easily fixable bug, right?
2. But even if the mapping isn't automatic, if you type in "shellfish" (a common allergy with a standard spelling)... it should be immediately listed in the FDB panel on the right. It isn't. Look at the first screenshot- "shellfish" is not in the FDB panel at all. This is a bug or error. (It is only when you type in "Shell fish" (the wrong spelling) in the search bar on the right that "Shellfish" comes up as a mapping option.
Just an FYI here are 2 screen shots of the same type of problem. Mark@AC if this is fixed in Build 369 GREAT if not it needs to be fixed. The first one is the map screen when it first comes up the second is when I deleat the auto fill Advair and type it back in to the search box.
Ok.. I think I understand the issue now. Thank you for the clarification. I submitted these for review with our tech team, along with the refill issue.
Mark Dabeck Client Success Manager/Amazing Charts "Amazing Charts now offers On-Site Training. Message me for details".
Just upgraded to the new build 369. The refill requests I completed before the change over came back after the upgrade. I did resend just to make sure.
I opened the admin window, tools, lexi- data to first data and after all of the mapping with pts for the past week or so I still have 2714 medications to map. Guess I'll start this under admin with one computer and see how it goes. Luckily I do not see pts on Thursdays and I am the lone lone prescriber. I still don't know what will happen if I am mapping on one computer and prescribing on another(which would require mapping before sending in scripts).
Hit the Migrate Medication button to migrate the ones the system found and decreased my number to map down to 2710.
I have attached a screen shot of the allergy panel. It does not appear to be in alphabetical order and did not match any new allergies that I have not already mapped while seeing pts.
1st one is Accutane, why is the generic name (isotrtinoin) not listed in the FDBM for matching?
2nd why did the two acetaminophen not automatically match? I can not see a difference.
Yep... more examples of more work for us and/or our offices. It is really annoying. I have seen other examples of not having the generic name to map for a brand name drug.
BTW... Accutane is no longer available on the market. The other brands listed in your pic are. I just chose the last one since was similar enough.
What is the purpose of mapping anyway, I am a bit annoyed that can't even write a new Rx until mapping is done, why do I get the impression that it is a setting that can be turned off by someone in AC Land and the forced mapping completion is due to other reasons. I could be off base.
What is the purpose of mapping anyway, I am a bit annoyed that can't even write a new Rx until mapping is done, why do I get the impression that it is a setting that can be turned off by someone in AC Land and the forced mapping completion is due to other reasons. I could be off base.
To map each patient's medications that you had in pre v12 database to the new database in v12. It is a pain but there really is no way around it, unless you don't plan on writing any medications from the prior medication list in every established patient. Think of mapping as medication reconciliation between 2 different databases. The main gripe we are having... there are subtle differences in a great many medications that could have been auto mapped and saved us a lot of time and effort....."oral" being one of them. It is annoying but once it is completed, never have to do it again, unless AC changes medication database in the future.
I suppose being a database conversion technician can be added to the list of hats I wear but still don't see why old data cannot be tagged and lie dormant in AC you know 'greyed out' then new Rx added as needed into the wonderful new prescribing module but have that old greyed out Rx info available to be viewed and incorporated into a new Rx. Again just bitchin about the forced use of my time.
And it still makes me think a disconnect between providers/programmers/administrators where it isn't the providers who determine the workings of the system ... and someone else decided ...well looks like can't just merge the 2 databases so we will write a conversion program that is less than perfect and leave the final work to the providers to iron out the faults since of course they know best. Wonder if Jon had input?
Is this thread mandatory reading before doing the conversion? I mean does it make sense to use this thread to get through the mapping by everyone's recommendations?
Let's say you are in a room with a patient who needs six medications, some changed in his med list. How long could that take if all needed to be mapped.
OK, I am hijacking the thread for one moment because Jon can answer that.
Say, I am reading an UpToDate article on benzodiazepines for my DEA 8 hours of reading. If I leave it on for 4 hours, and it gives 0.5 CME credits, will it just give me 0.5 and not be suspicious of my leaving it on?
So, until you map it, you can't prescribe it? What if you can't find a map?
Yes, you cannot send a prescription electronically on a patient until their medications are mapped. If there is not a map, then link it to the "Free Text" at the very top on right hand column for your map.
Just checking if AC will push out the deadline for the upgrade from 6/30/24 to a month or so later. We have been doing patient by patient, brought it downfrom 2500 count to about 1100 med mappings . So there is no way we will be able to map all the remaining by 6/30/24 if we do patient by patient.
We may have to resort to a brute force method and take a day to map all of the remaining ones ( about 1000) from the admin window, if AC holdsthe 6/30/24 deadline firm.
Any comments from anyone on the strategy to upgrade.
Just checking if AC will push out the deadline for the upgrade from 6/30/24 to a month or so later. We have been doing patient by patient, brought it downfrom 2500 count to about 1100 med mappings . So there is no way we will be able to map all the remaining by 6/30/24 if we do patient by patient.
We may have to resort to a brute force method and take a day to map all of the remaining ones ( about 1000) from the admin window, if AC holdsthe 6/30/24 deadline firm.
Any comments from anyone on the strategy to upgrade.
Thanks Aramiz.
You just have to upgrade to v12 by 6/30 in order to still be able to ePrescribe but the mappings will be a work in progress over time. You can continue to just map patient by patient each time you prescribe and eventually you will map all of them....one day. I wouldn't stress over it. I'd just map the patients you are going to see that day at start of clinic.
OK, we have been calling NewCrop -- NewCrap for quite some time. FDB or First Databank https://www.fdbhealth.com/will be taking over that position. IT IS MUCH MORE ROBUST, but difficult at first because of the mapping. All the drugs have to match so Amoxicillin 400 mg/5mL oral liquid has to change to match Amoxicillin 400 mg/5mL (this is just an example.
I believe -- I certainly could be wrong that AC and FDB have agreed to work together. I believe the date set for this is July 1, 2024. Therefore, it isn't just AC extending out the date, it would be FDB doing so as well. You don't have to have everything mapped prior to the changeover (look at me, I have none mapped over).
This is my understanding. In order to move to a better ePrescribe support company, it means making these changeovers. It's kinda like when we were teenagers and we wanted 17 inch rims instead of 16 inch. The dealer was happy to sell them to us, but that meant adding air shocks to the rear of you car to lift the frame that one inch. OK, bad analogy.
Hi, I upgraded to version 12 about three weeks ago. Did something change over this past weekend (June 22-23) with Amazing Backup? It seems to be saving the Backup files in a different way. And the .Enc file is much smaller. My old back up file was 9 giga Bytes. now it is less than 1 gB. I do not seem to be missing any data. Dr Mo edit I attached a screen shot of my recent back up folder edit It appears that the difference is the "include imported items" is un checked (under advanced options). It seems the Imported Items are about 10 gigabytes. The Amazing Backup is ten times faster now! Do I need to back up the Imported Items every time? If I choose not to back them up every time should I do so manually every week or two? It is nice to have a much smaller .Enc file Thanks, Greg
Do you mind if I ask the approximate size of your backup file? I have a one doctor office running AC since 2008. My current .ENC file is 500 Mb last week and for the past year my .ENC file was 9.5 Gbytes.
That's what I was thinking. One must have an idea of how many patients they have. If in administration it says, 2,000 patients, then I imagine they are all there. Been practicing here 18 years and mine is 650 MB.
Support has offered to help me, and I am getting direct help from a user, but currently, we are using all paper scripts. We are calling in what we can and the patients have to come pick up the scripts if they are on controlled substance paper. Of course, this is the way it used to be. I don't understand the new system at all. It isn't working for me.
I can get "what I think is a mapped drug" to the pending area, but I can't get it to Prescribe med because it says the medication isn't selected. So I can't even print it. Others have figured this out so it must be I.
Now that I have actual hands-on experience with medication mapping, I thought I would mention a couple of points. To a large extent this summarizes things that Chris and others have pointed out.
Mapping of meds and allergies in V12 could be easier... I am done trying to understand/explain why we have to do it. Also done scratching my head about why the process is harder than it needs to be (yeah, its annoying for hundreds of docs and providers to waste hours laboring over things that should have been matched for us). This post is simply to focus on getting through it as fast as possible.
1. Watch the AC video on mapping. Some of the process is changed, but 7 minutes watching is time well spent.
2. As noted in posts above, you can upgrade within a chart or by going into Admin options. The latter is tempting; we started with 3000 meds to map, and it helps me to see that number go down as I clear them in the Admin section. Unless you want to spend a bunch of hours upfront, you will probably use a hybrid process and use the second method as well, and map within an individual patient's chart. This is what you must do - for each patient- to be able to prescribe for that particular patient.
3. Remember this is a two part process; mapping and migrating. After you map the meds, you still cannot eprescribe until you migrate them with the button at the bottom.
4. A significant improvement made after the video came out is that when you do a bunch of meds in the Admin options area, you can migrate that group of meds and go back to work seeing patients or doing other work in the program.
5. A point discovered, I think by Chris, is a big time and click-saver. When you select the mapped version on the right column, double click it and that maps it. (Instead of clicking it once, then moving to the "map" button, clicking, and coming back to the next medication). This also applies to free texting; double click the "free text'" and there is no need to type the free text- it is put in automatically.
6. I would strongly suggest using "free text" rather freely. If you are agonizing over which choice to map to, use free text. If it is a med you rarely if ever use, feel free to free text. I know my situation is a bit different as a specialist, but all the herbals, weird combination vitamins, diabetes supplies or anything else that I rarely if ever prescribe - free text them. Feel free to come at me with disadvantages to doing this that I have not considered.
Where is the video? I have done some and it is getting a little understandable. I don't know how to free text.
WHAT IS MY FOUR DIGIT CODE? It's not the same one.
Should I map amoxicillin-clavulanate to Augmentin (one is brand)
Where is the friggin' video
Not sure what code it is asking you for....
"Should I map amoxicillin-clavulanate to Augmentin (one is brand)"... I don't think it makes much difference. Going forward, if you typically type in "Augmentin" in the eRx box, then map to Augmentin. If you typically type the generic, then map to that. (And note that for all the patients who were previously prescribed the drug, the mapped version is what will show in their chart from before - if that matters at all).
Re-watched the video, thanks for posting the link.
Just realized why some medications are in RED, "the system can not find any reasonable matches to that item." I think these will most likely become free text but I will look for something because I have found some matches.
Thanks for posting Bert, bet your not the only one with this isue as it is not in the video or the release notes. Sorry I didn't think to post that earlier!
If you and/or Jon can send these links that are either labeled as to what they are or I can make them tinyurls, I will ask Ruben to put them at the top of the board for everyone. Also the manual. What do you think. Or maybe just your grabbing them so you both don't do the work twice.
I am thinking sit down at one time starting at 6 am and do ALL THE MEDS IN BLACK. Those would be easier to migrate. Anyone doing that. I mean I know a few are doing all at one time, but it seems the red ones would bog you down and be frustrating. Then you would only have the red ones in each person's meds and could map it or free text.
I went to the admin screen and did the bulk mapping. My eyes were crossed by the time I was done. I think it's worth it to do this once and get it over with. You don't want to be waiting at the eRx screen when you're trying to get to the next patient. Now our doctor hasn't had any problems with eRx.
Serene Office Manager General Pediatrics Houston, Texas
The whole eRx process is definitely slower for now- maybe other aspects of the program as well. Not huge differences but noticeable. Have also had a few freezes requiring restarts. I suspect these are due to the ongoing need to complete the mapping process. I am hoping these annoyances disappear when mapping is done and those menus stop popping up.
I find it easier to just do the mapping either in the room, some pts talk a lot anyway, or in the morning before start seeing pts while doing refills. I go off of the schedule. The idea of doing the ones in black first is valid and may try that, I just don't like the time I am having to focus on meds I'll never prescribe again (outdated or removed from the market).
I feel the prescribing portion has improved after the update if it weren't for the mapping. Electronic refill requests are super fast and the ability to do multiple patients with controlled substances is great. The only problem with the controlled substances is you can't pull up the PMP Aware screen from the refill screen but still a huge improvement.
I have had a couple of crashes but usually just with printing things. Not sure what is happening. AC support looked into the issue and there is nothing in the AC log to indicate why this is happening. Please write down when you have a crash, date and time, and then when you get a chance contact AC support and let them look at the log. Maybe we can find some common ground causing these crashes.
I guess on the east coast the prescription writer does not warn you when you close before saving a med. Maybe it is a setting in preferences.
The 2FA could have less clicks and is redundant, otherwise pretty good
Has anyone noticed that the tablets, capsules, etc. are no longer in alphabetical order, they are put where they are most used.
When I prescribed something like Concerta after the process, the ADHD seems to be gone.
I am not sure what everyone does with the red ones. Chris says they are out of date, etc. I find at least 80% matches (not exact -- but the same medication) on all of them.
I've opened up some patient charts go to prescribing and there are some with a number of meds listed kind of greyed out and it doesn't ask me to map them so I just go ahead and write whatever rx I was going to write and it goes through apparently not requiring the all meds must be mapped edict prior to writing a new rx
It is a setting, it will ask if you don't want to see that dialog box again and can click it, I didn't do it comes up each time, not sure how to reset
I wish the 2 factor authentication could be set to either Authy app or Hard token as a user preference and change only if needed (would save a click most of the time)
The UOM list changed with Version 11, I posted that as an improvement.
Do you mean at the end of the instructions for the prescription it no longer says ADHD?
Red ones are not necessarily out of date, the video says they are ones the system does not have good reasonable match, or something like that. I quoted the Video earlier!
those are probably meds that need to be "codify" adjusted. See if you can codify anything that is in grey and italicized. Those are iikely the Free Text meds you did during mapping. Sorry for the late response.
I have found an issue with Free Text during mapping, if you free text and then get an electronic refill for that medication it will not be sent. This is, so far, the only problem I have seen with freely using Free Text mapping.
There is also an issue with AC electronic refills. This has been discussed with AC. If you have a medication that comes in for a refill and does not have a match it is an issue. The medication will be denied (no match), deny reason given, any comments, and then send. A pop up box will come up that says " Object reference not set to an instance of an object". Hit OK. Med stays on the screen. Get ticked off and wonder why, forget about it and close the screen! Now if you go back to the refill screen that one is gone, earlier builds of V12 did not erase that non matched, non refilled medication, so this was a good change on ACs part.
I've opened up some patient charts go to prescribing and there are some with a number of meds listed kind of greyed out and it doesn't ask me to map them so I just go ahead and write whatever rx I was going to write and it goes through apparently not requiring the all meds must be mapped edict prior to writing a new rx
Originally Posted by ChrisFNP
koby, those are probably meds that need to be "codify" adjusted. See if you can codify anything that is in grey and italicized. Those are iikely the Free Text meds you did during mapping.
The way I understand it, an uncodified prescription is italicized (whether pre- or post-V12). Hopefully this is what koby means by "kind of greyed out". It can be a legit prescription but cannot be e-prescribed (because the words are not in the formulary database). If all the other patient's meds are codified though, this will not trigger a need for mapping so you can just go ahead and eRx the others. (Agreeing with Chris here).
Originally Posted by ChrisFNP
if you free text and then get an electronic refill for that medication it will not be sent. This is, so far, the only problem I have seen with freely using Free Text mapping.
A problem, perhaps, but an expected outcome. The prescription is not in the database so it cannot be sent. You either codify it early when you switch to V12, or later, when you need to refill it. In other words, you didn't lose anything by free texting it.
A problem, perhaps, but an expected outcome. The prescription is not in the database so it cannot be sent. You either codify it early when you switch to V12, or later, when you need to refill it. In other words, you didn't lose anything by free texting it.
Correct but on the electronic refill requests the medication not mapped correctly does not show up and you have to go to the chart to fix
So I am going to write a novel here. I want to come in on my day off and do a lot of mapping. I agree with Serene. Just get it done. But I just don't understand the red ones. When I try really hard I can find good matches for the red ones. What does confuse me is if I have a brand name like Synthroid and another Brand name like Levoxyl. Do you think it is better to map Synthroid to Levoxyl then to free text it?
So, I don't like the idea of free texting all these red ones. These are not old drugs or drugs I don't use. I don't want them to not be mapped. What happens when a patient has an unmapped drug in their profile? I just don't understand it.
Do you think it is better to map Synthroid to Levoxyl then to free text it?
All that follows is my opinion... and it might be wrong.
My answer is that it doesn't make a big difference.
Lets say you prescribed a patient Synthroid pre-V12. If you map it to Levoxyl... or if you free text it, then there are two implications: 1. If you go back and look at that patient's meds, you will see that "Synthroid" is no longer on his list of active meds; It will either have italicized Synthroid if you free-texted or "levoxyl" there instead. AND Synthroid is added to the list of inactive meds.
2. The next time you want to eprescribe a thyroid supplement for that patient, you can write it either way (Synthroid or Levoxyl). BUT it will be quicker and easier to send Levoxyl if you mapped it to that because it is already in the list of active meds.
So.... in general, map to the version (brand or generic) you typically use to save a little time when renewing.
But it makes little difference, because with a couple clicks, you can activate the inactivated Synthroid, and re-prescribe it.
And to make it more of a coin-flip... keep in mind that if you map in the admin section, you are changing all the pts prescriptions at once. So if you sometimes prescribe brand, and sometimes generic, there is no way to decide which will be better to map to going forward.
It does not make sense to agonize over this, IMHO.
Originally Posted by Bert
So, I don't like the idea of free texting all these red ones. These are not old drugs or drugs I don't use. I don't want them to not be mapped. What happens when a patient has an unmapped drug in their profile? I just don't understand it.
So you free text Synthroid and it goes to italicized Synthroid. What happens when you go to prescribe Synthroid again? It sitll makes no sense to me. Unless I can send the non-codified italicized Synthroid.
If it is italicized it cannot be eprescribed. That is the unbreakable rule.
If you started with Synthroid on the left and mapped it to Synthroid, then yes, you can just eprescribe it. If you started with Synthroid but did not find a match for it, so you free texted it, then now it is Synthroid and you cannot eprescribe it.
Found an issue this morning I though I would warn others about. I think it has been posted before but didn't find that thread.
The directions for a medication were changed by the pharmacy and I did not catch it until later. The medication was Ozempic 1mg dose (4mg/3ml), pharmacy changed to 4mg dose weekly. I know it was changed from the pharmacy side because of the way the other part of the prescription was written. I also looked at the history and it was written correctly the 1st time it was sent but changed on a refill.
This is an issue with the electronic refill requests coming in from the pharmacies.
I may be reading this question incorrectly, but you can eRx from the very first patient as long as that patient's past meds are migrated. Which, of course, migrates everyone with that medication so it gets faster and faster. I rarely have to migrate a medication.
Still migrating, have 1600+ meds to go. I refuse to sit at one time and do all of them, I see it as a waste of time. Iw ill do them as they come up. Some meds I will never use again and may only be ion one pt that could be dead. I started at over 3,000.
You can still prescribe if not all medications in the database are migrated. You just can not prescribe for a patient that has not had all meds migrated and matched, thus the example above. I had not seen this lady for some time and she had been on 2 different named OCPs due either to pharmacy or insurance availability. Yes there is a generic, not my point of the post. These are old and inactivated meds but I still had to match them to prescribe for her. I showed this as just an example of how ludicrous this whole system is with migrating.