So I was able to successfully migrate the Amazing Charts on my own. Let me tell you they do not make it easy by any measure, but it is fully doable on your own. Here is a list of prerequisites for this:
1. You need to have access to the SQL SSMS. Since Amazing Charts locks the access to their ACSA user, you will need to brute force this solution. See this link for information: (Dont worry, this wont change the ACSA password and I turned on Windows Authentication to ensure I dont even need a password for the administrator user)
2. BACKUP EVERYTHING before you begin. Make sure you have a full copy of your Amazing Charts folder.
Once you have access to the SQL and the Backup, you should be good to get started. So here is what I did:
1. Moved Amazing Charts folder (backup/copy) to the drive you want it to be in. For me it was moving from RAID 1 C: to RAID 5 E:
2. Edit your "systemsettings.xml" AND your "SystemSettings_BACKUP.xml" files to point to the new drive and location of your database. (Basically change the paths to just the new locations).
3. Uninstall Amazing Charts from the Server
4. Delete C:\Programdata\Amazing Charts folder
5. Go into SSMS and detatch all databases and rename your old Amazing Charts folder something else (IE: Amazing Charts.Old)
6. Attach your database files that are in your new folder location
7. Run the Amazing Charts installer and point it to your copied directory (it will remove any files necessary or copy over them)
8. After the install finishes, reboot the server and make sure all the services are started like normal.
That was it, I was able to successfully get the Amazing Charts moved from one location to another, all data intact and no loss of anything. Was definitely a learning curve, but it seems to all have worked out and now speeds to the data are faster (cause I dont know why someone would install a program like that on a RAID 1), but it saved the providers office a $500 fee for moving the files over.
This should also be a good way to go through restoring a failed server, especially if you have a normal SQL install and not the SQL express, but that is just extra steps. If yall have any questions, let me know and I will answer them as best I can!