The email mentions that if you have partners who didn't get it, you should send AC their email addresses so they can send them questionnaires as well. Since AC is notoriously spotty in their email list, ASK ANYONE YOU KNOW who uses AC if they got the questionnaire, and if not, to send their address in.
It is probably foolish, but I have this thought that maybe if we all tell them what we think, that it might get their attention.
OK, just tried to do the survey. There are 5 pages. Did not rate AC too high. When try to submit the survey, got a message "oops something went wrong try again". Cannot submit.
--------------------------------------------------- Raj From (mostly) sunny Port St Lucie, florida
I replied as well. It is a short survey. You can write more if you want, but I basically kept it short and blasted them for poor communication and a failure to produce a reliable product that has stayed "up with the times" and developed in response to our needs. I told them to feel free to email me and I will provide more extensive input into specific suggestions.
raj, it seems somehow appropriate that you were unable to submit the survey! Did you try again? Were you able to get it to send?
Would be interesting to hear if others had that experience.
I too replied. It was a great product 20 years ago. Now not so much. It works, but clunky Interoperability is not great Let's see what they have to say
Wendell Pediatrician in Chicago
The patient's expectation is that you have all the answers, sometimes they just don't like the answer you have for them
OK, just tried to do the survey. There are 5 pages. Did not rate AC too high. When try to submit the survey, got a message "oops something went wrong try again". Cannot submit.
The same thing just happened when the other provider in my office completed her survey.
Who wants to go back and re-do the survey, after making the effort to complete it once?????
This has happened twice out of the sample of about 5 here. Not saying it is a random sample, but still...
I just learned from AC that there is a "known issue" with the survey. As reported above, when you hit "Submit", the survey does not go through. About 20% of the time.
And they have not bothered to tell people. In a further indication of how they value our time and our opinions.
If you want to take the time to do the survey, and I would encourage you to do so, you might want to copy and paste your answers unless they are lost when you first submit them. Then paste and try to submit again later. Sometimes it goes through on a later attempt.
The old political wisdom was "it doesn't matter who votes. What matters is who counts the votes." this appears to be in the same vein. Surveys are not meant to find out what you know or care about. They are gauges of the effectiveness of a particular marketing scheme.
But what can any of it mean if they just don't care? I guess it means that while there are dedicat4d people in the organization who really do care, the top management has other fish to fry, and as usual, the C-suite is completely insulated from the real world.