As we donate mostly to Ruben (in the background), I thought it may be a good idea to point out some things that you can do on this board that could not be done on the old user board.
1. Embedding YouTube videos. No Janet Jackson videos please
2. Skins. Did you know that in preferences in the dropdown list next to your name at the top right you can set up to 20 skins including dark. I use Zen now, but change quite often. [You have to click on Save at the bottom of your preferences for the new skin to be your new skin]
3. Some have questions about the forum/board. At the bottom right there is help. It is really FAQ, and it covers everything.
4. There is also contact us bottom right. It brings up the admin account email. I have no idea where that goes. I know it doesn't seem to come to me so I hope they don't go to Ruben or he will kill me.
5. And, much more. Just look around and experiment. Even the Member Spotlight is rather cool.
Now if we can just figure out why I have the donation icon next to my name (showing I have donated). Why would I donate to my own forum? Likely just to give it to Ruben.
Bert , You can change the contact us email to anything you want. But you do have a email account.
We use that email account to send out notifications.
Also in your profile you can elect to not show the donate image in the group images area.