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TheSnowDO #76478 04/27/2021 7:32 PM
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I have been looking for alternatives but just have not been able to find one that I thought would be "the one". I have used Practice Fusion, Athena. Epic is out of reach as they do not cater for a small practice. Have watched demos for several other programs such as Praxis, Hippocrate, Quest Quanum, Office Ally and still undecided. I know eventually I have to make the decision and the move that requires courage. Any suggestions?

TheSnowDO #76485 04/28/2021 9:29 AM
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Hi Naeem,

Your questions and concerns are right on the mark.

I have used Amazing Charts for just short of 16 years, the entire time I have been in private solo practice. On the one hand, Amazing Charts works, it is cheap, it is on a locally hosted server so I do not have to worry about Internet problems, and our work flow is established. So I really, really, really do not want to rock the boat.

On the other hand, the future of Amazing Charts is the great unknown. I am not ready to write it off, by any means, but I am not totally confident either.

I am intrigued by the artificial intelligence programs, but wonder how much they will work in real life in our practice setting. So many of our patients are older, with multiple, multiple medical problems.

I also just plain do not look forward to a transition. My learning curve, all of the staff's learning curve, perhaps having to change billing clearing house (which probably would give a significant short-term cash flow hit), lab interfaces, there would be a lot of stuff required. Data conversion never goes as well as promised. Productivity would suffer, and I am not sure that I have the energy for that right now. answer at this point is total denial.

Our server was set up by Sandeep, it is close to 7 years old, I had been thinking of replacing it. However, it is currently working well, and I think is a very high likelihood that if we change to another EMR it will be cloud based, not locally hosted.

One final thought. If Amazing Charts is abandoned, I doubt that there will just be "closed" or "the end". I imagine Amazing Charts would be sold to another vendor, who would support it for a short period of time, maybe 6 months, and would offer some discount to switch over to their EMR. The possible advantage to this scenario would be data conversion, they probably would be proficient at that process, from Amazing Charts.

So, to get back to your question, which one is best? Please let me know when you find out smile


Gene Nallin MD solo family practice with one PA Cumberland, Md

TheSnowDO #76486 04/28/2021 10:46 AM
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LOL, I am on a completely different mindset. I would look forward to the challenge of a new EMR. I am basically fed up with the lack of AC's communication and desire to help their customers. It gets slower and slower and I wonder if every time Windows updates drivers and all work at a less proficient speed. One would think with all the new RAM we are installing and the faster and faster processors, it would speed up.

I consider having to wait over 30 seconds to close two windows after NewCrop unacceptable. I consider waiting 20 seconds for demographics or, worse, summary unacceptable. It is slower and slower to open a chart.

One thing about MedPointe, it is similar to Praxis, yet it is more of a drill down process and doesn't have the AI capabilities to pick out free text. But, it is free for a year. Of course, that is possibly to suck people in. I know that the CEO there would be very happy to do what Gene talked about. Good price points if one came from AC.

Naeem, you can't just demo it on the site. If it is close to something do able, have them log in for an hour and go through the workflow.

One thing that people leave out is the ability to do a note on one page. MedPoint is one of them. From patients waiting to patients departed, one page. Saw another one like that. There is no waiting for pages to open up. Chart, then script writer, then CPT code page, then sign off page. You are completely dependent on the speed of this. All things taking up memory and all things making you closer to a crash. If you do talk to Medpoint, be sure to mention my name and AC. The CEO and I were going to work together.

It is cloud based, but I think cloud based is pretty reliable nowadays. How often are you without power or Internet in a year. For us, maybe four times per year.

Just some ideas.

The CEO there is the lead developer and spent most of his learning in work flow. The work flow is good, the drill down is a little tough. They are flexible too. I remember when I was demoing it, there were two areas I needed to work with to see how I liked it. I told him the next day that it was those two things, and he said you should have told me. We would have opened those up.

Even though it comes with billing as most do, you don't have to use it. We could stay with Medware and just use the EMR portion.

Just some thoughts. You can look into it.

Brewer, Maine

TheSnowDO #76487 04/28/2021 10:52 AM
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I don't know much about eMD's or eClinicalWorks. I do know that it should be easy for you to strike many off your list. Like Centricity and NextGen, etc.

Any EMR which takes three or more pages to document an ear infection should be struck off the list.

Also, although I seemed to get a special connection with the CEO, I was able to always call him or email him and get feedback rather quickly. A little like Jon Bertman.

Brewer, Maine

TheSnowDO #76488 04/28/2021 4:28 PM
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He never writes...He never calls! Ok I can't dispute that AC's went dark on this board of late and in general for quite a while now. There's no excuse so I won't try to invent something other than to say my attention has been directed elsewhere.

Let's catch up on where we're at and what's ahead for AC.

Version 11 is about to release in a week and I'll be posting the links on the portal for self service. W have ~ 100 practices running version 11 and it looks good...a very quirky things we're still trying to nail down but overall it looks good. There will be No Midmark interfaces in the version we GA. We have to recode that section which was the source of the crashing that plagued us for much of last year (contributing to the delays and silence) That version will be available later this summer.

This remains a MANDATORY RELEASE. Surescripts will reject all electronic prescriptions as of 9.1.2021. We are strongly advocating everyone update prior to 8.1 to give us a month buffer. Anyone who waits till after 8/1 risks a delay in assistance from us in the event of a problem.

Wonder what we've been doing for AC enhancement lately? Not much for the past year. We've again been focusing on regulator issues and we still have a ways to go. But covid delayed the ONC deadline till end of next year so we have time to slip in a nice enhancement release for you. We've had the list on ice for a while, some way back to version 9 which didn't make the cut back then. There's more to come. I have quite a list of enhancements suggestions that have come in over the years but these were some of the more frequent requests and ones we were able to accommodate within our timetables.

I need to be transparent and say we do not have a definitive release date, this is a work in process. And it's possible that not all of what I have below will make the 1st cut for this year but that is the plan today. I am usually hesitant to announce plans like this until I'm more confident in the timetable. I'll also be adding this to the 11.1 release notes to demonstrate our continued commitment toward AC.

- E-Prescribing Controlled Meds from within AC - No more Newcrop screens
- Expanded Prescription Favorites even more
- Patient flow patient checked in, roomed, awaiting check out
- Enhanced Referring Provider Search
- Appt Scheduling Provider display enhancements (selective options)
- Highlight Unread Messages in BOLD
- Letter Writer forced sign off overrides
- Add Medication History from Newcrop in Current Meds
- Add Diagnosis search for Assessment in Enlarged text Box
- Multi-Facility Location Billing Options
- Spell Checking for Addendums
- Enhancements for integration between Amazing Charts and CareTracker PM
- AC Inbox Messages to ALL users, not just Group Box
- Various Structural and environmental enhancements to update the technology stack
- PDMP interfaces for the gap states we don't do today with Appriss
- Some ONC CURES CCDA enhancements for next years regulatory mandates.


Chris Conrad - Product Manager for Amazing Charts
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Hi Chris,

Thanks so much for the update. We were really starting to wonder and worry….

Perhaps if you could address one more issue:

Is Amazing Charts going to continue to support locally hosted, as well as cloud versions? Or do longer term plans involve cloud only?



Gene Nallin MD solo family practice with one PA Cumberland, Md

TheSnowDO #76496 04/29/2021 7:59 AM
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Hi Chris,

Quite a list. Thank you for clearing that up. As an FYI, we don't bad news, just want to hear it regularly. smile I mean we don't want to hear bad news, but want to be in the loop.

WHILE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT CATCHING UP AND CHANGING VERSIONS, DO YOU MIND ASKING SOMEONE FROM SUPPORT TO GO OVER HOW THE AC BACKUP GOES AGAIN. I know we used to just use it locally. I recall from back in the CAB days, we have to send it back to be unencrypted or something like that. I think many of us have forgotten. I know I have.

Last edited by Bert; 04/29/2021 8:00 AM. Reason: Sorry for shouting, but you know me.

Brewer, Maine

DocGene #76498 04/29/2021 8:19 AM
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Hi Gene,

We have no plans to discontinue support for On Prem at all. The vast majority of our clients are On-Prem. We are continuing to invest in our cloud version and are currently migrating all clients to a new Azure hosted environment and replacing RDP(Remote Desktop) with Citrix providing a much better experience all around.


Chris Conrad - Product Manager for Amazing Charts
Bert #76499 04/29/2021 8:23 AM
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Hi Bert..It's been ages since I dealt with that subject..Best for you to reach out personally and have Support help based on what your objective is. I don't recall having to send anything in but I never really got involved at the level...


Chris Conrad - Product Manager for Amazing Charts
TheSnowDO #76500 04/29/2021 8:33 AM
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Hi Chris,

I believe there was a step where you had to send it back to AC. It was kind of weird, because that backup has been rock solid since v1. Rather than I have one communication with an email, do you mind asking one of the upper support staff to go over it on the board. I will make a thread for it. Thanks!

Last edited by Bert; 04/29/2021 8:35 AM.

Brewer, Maine

TheSnowDO #76541 05/06/2021 4:53 PM
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The more I learn about this program, the more impressed I become.

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TheSnowDO #76542 05/06/2021 5:05 PM
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I see AC is throwing some scraps for the starved masses. I guess it's nice that they're at least not STILL IGNORING their customers!!!

Hopefully, FOR ALL YOUR SAKES, they will follow through.

Hope the support gets better???

"Don't you think we oughta know by now?
Don't you think we should have learned somehow?

My dear, we're slow dancing' in a burning room"

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TheSnowDO #76543 05/06/2021 5:10 PM
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TheSnowDO #76544 05/06/2021 5:27 PM
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I like the NEW HEADING Chris put on this thread!!


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TheSnowDO #76545 05/06/2021 5:30 PM
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Originally Posted by TheSnowDO
Quick SHOUT-OUT to JamesNT

I was looking for a way to pull all my patient data out of AC in a format that I could use to easily update my new EMR (Praxis EMR - ABSOLUTELY AMAZING) AND James came through "bigly". 30 minutes on TeamViewer, 5 example folders to review to make sure everything was up to snuff and less than 12 hrs later..........






Todd R. Waldorf, D.O.

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TheSnowDO #76546 05/06/2021 5:45 PM
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Didn't mean to kick the nest.....


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TheSnowDO #76561 05/08/2021 6:52 PM
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I have not seen this many bugs and crashes with any other program that I use in the office. I have to chose whether to pay the price with loss of office productivity or pay cash for a better product. For me it is "not an easy" decision.

TheSnowDO #76562 05/08/2021 7:08 PM
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I think you have to add another piece of the puzzle there. Some look at like, omg, learn another product with a steep learning curve or just a learning curve. Or be excited about it.

I know one of my biggest weaknesses is documentation. As much as some of these slow you down, to have one that made me do some things and coded for me, I would be a step ahead, I am excited about a new one. But, we shall see.

I was watching the demo again on Medpointe (have watched and done two live). The biggest problem with its demo is it is a one-hour physical. So, all of the stuff they do (even though it is great how they deal with multiple problems) makes it seem laborious. It is fun to watch the note build in front of your eyes. The other part is that it learns from you but you would have to set up your pop-up windows they way you want them, hence you need to have years to work with it. I mean to make it worth the while.

I can't recall what Praxis is, maybe two windows, but MedPointe opens in one large windows so everything is in one place, so you aren't opening up new windows all the time to labs or scripts, etc. I was working with the CEO and developer of the company, and I kept stressing that I wanted to see it do more acute things. As pediatrics, I don't have the huge Problem-Oriented Soap Note. Usually, just one acute at a time. Even well-childs are done on the BFFs.

Brewer, Maine

Naeem #76573 05/09/2021 5:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Naeem
For me it is "not an easy" decision.

Agree 100%.
Even if I knew a somewhat better option was available- and I really do not- the transition alone would make me think twice.
That transition includes chart migration AND learning a new system.

Last edited by JBS; 05/09/2021 5:58 PM.


Reduce needless clicks!
JBS #76576 05/09/2021 9:12 PM
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Originally Posted by JBS
Originally Posted by Naeem
For me it is "not an easy" decision.

Agree 100%.
Even if I knew a somewhat better option was available- and I really do not- the transition alone would make me think twice.
That transition includes chart migration AND learning a new system.

Not to mention possible billing disruptions if clearinghouse has to change

Gene Nallin MD solo family practice with one PA Cumberland, Md

TheSnowDO #76591 05/10/2021 10:14 PM
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Feed up with AC's lack of attention to problems and a horribly slow system using the cloud - I mean not use bad, but so bad I do not have time to look at other systems because I am just treading water with using AC in the cloud. AC has spent most of my support money over the past 12 yrs focused on regulations rather than basic operability. I can careless about regs to get paid since we do not accept insurance. I want a system to work, that's it. Been out looking and demo'ing other systems, many systems. I have some deal killers (creating custom notes not templated notes or custom order sets of multiple lab orders) and currently focused on ChARM. Seems like the one for us. I would like AI involved, but I think that needs more time to flush out completely. At least ChARM allows me to "tire kick" the system around before pulling the trigger. I will look at MedPointe so thanks for the heads up on that one - had not heard of it before.

TheSnowDO #76592 05/11/2021 7:24 AM
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Not sure if the custom order sets is the deal breaker for you. I am still looking into it. It is so customizable, it could take time to customize it. I know the video demo (they do one on one demos remotely as well) works great, except it is based on a one-hour problem-focused physical, so you would have plenty of time. Not sure how it translates to acute visits.

Brewer, Maine

TheSnowDO #76594 05/11/2021 10:05 AM
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We see patients from around the world and have no idea where they will go to have the tests performed. So an order may consist of 10-15 tests which we customize to include both the LabCorp and Quest test code numbers. Eliminates dealing with lab paperwork. When I factor in AC charges and Updox charges, these other systems are not that much of stretch. I had to create workarounds for AC and custom much of it so I expect the same with the next system. Actually I prefer a system that allows me to customize it because then I am in control. The other issue is that our patients are very complex with different problem sets from one to the other which makes templated note creation useless for us. Another of my main hot buttons is that I see our clinical notes not as just medical records but also marketing. So if another MD sees the note, they know what we specialize in and it reflects who we are. I demand that notes look professional and not some data dump that so many systems produce. We also burn into every note certain wording that stresses our limits and places responsibility onto the patient. It is up to them to own their healthcare and follow through. The only concern holding me back and continuing to demo other systems is ChARM's customer service. Reported as difficult so I am currently testing their CS and waiting to see how they respond. So in an ideal world the company would be US based as well. I will invest looking MedPointe over. The use of AI, ability to customize, and being US based is interesting. I would like it more if it was in the $300-$350 per month range. I will need to see what comes with it since ChARM is loaded.

TheSnowDO #76595 05/11/2021 10:24 AM
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MedPointe is $300 to $350 a month per provider after the first year free. Support seemed pretty good, although I worked directly with the CEO and lead developer only. Emailed and demoed multiple times. I "may" be able to get a small discount. I am sort of working with him and through anyone from our emr.

I can give you the email if you like. Mention my name (not for any cut -- I don't get a cut) but to maybe work directly with him. Not sure exactly what you are looking for, but if you are definitely in the market. It has AI as far as it continues to change based on what you do.

Also, everything is same window so no lag. There are windows which pop up for your customizable lab. I remember being on the phone with him and demoing it and saying this would be a good idea and he would stop and write it down and said I may work that in the next build. The note does build itself as you go. You can use all three methods in the same paragraph, ie. clicks, dictation or typing.

Brewer, Maine

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Bert #76596 05/11/2021 10:57 AM
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Please email the info to Appreciate it and I do not care if you do get a cut. Worth it in my eyes. Your opinion through the years I have always valued. You are one of the level headed users with tech skills to match. Always had a sensible approach. So if you think it is worth checking out, I most certainly will. As many, very upset with AC and Updox and searching.

TheSnowDO #76597 05/11/2021 11:03 AM
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Will do. Crazy right now, and I will probably give him a head's up so he can work with you. No I definitely don't get a cut. Well, I will email you more as well.

Brewer, Maine

TheSnowDO #76629 05/14/2021 10:33 AM
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On 4/28/21 Conrad wrote that the version 11.1 would be out in a week -- and that it is a mandatory release.
On the portal site, when you click on "download latest version" only ver. 10.1.2 comes up.
I don't think anything on the portal has been updated for at least a year and a half.!

I'm too old to switch, and in any case the alternatives certainly seem unappealing.
This is dimming my twilight years!

Tom Duncan
Family Practice
Astoria OR
TheSnowDO #76633 05/14/2021 11:51 AM
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Hi Tom,

Is it just you or do you have other doctors or mid-levels (who pay the same license even if they are there 1/2 day per week). The question is not your age but when do you pay for your next license(s). Is it worth to pay support to keep 10.1.2 as the official release?

Brewer, Maine

Tomastoria #76635 05/14/2021 2:10 PM
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The self service portal has been updated to version 11.1.1 today. We have over 100 practices on version 11.1 running well. The exception being anyone on version 11 , and using MidMark device integration which is the cause of multiple issues such as what Naeem is experiencing. We have a another version 11.2 coming out in June to address the Midmark problem so you'll want to hold off until then if you use Midmark devices. We will be starting an aggressive communication campaign to all users stressing the importance of updating to v 11 before the deadline...We usually have a large number of clients who wait till the last minute to update which is fine if you can can do it on your own and you don't have any problems. We're stressing to do this early so we're available to help ..if you wait till August the wait could be significant

We plan to update all our cloud based practice in the coming weeks so if you use the cloud we'll take care of this for you.


Last edited by cconrad@ac; 05/14/2021 2:11 PM.


Chris Conrad - Product Manager for Amazing Charts
TheSnowDO #76650 05/17/2021 4:21 PM
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Hey Bert

Is the CEO of MedPointe a physician??

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TheSnowDO #76652 05/17/2021 6:12 PM
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TheSnowDO #76655 05/18/2021 8:28 AM
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Does the CEO of MedPointe have ANY vested interest in NOT selling MedPointe to a third party like HARRIS COMPUTING if he is made an offer?

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TheSnowDO #76656 05/18/2021 8:35 AM
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OK, I have to ask where this is going. How would I know? It's not like we sat down over coffee or a few beers and discussed it. Also as an FYI, I looked at MedPointe. I didn't highly recommend it.

But, I did get the sense he was going to purchase Praxis.

Brewer, Maine

TheSnowDO #76684 05/20/2021 2:18 PM
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Who is going to purchase Praxis?

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TheSnowDO #76753 06/05/2021 6:28 PM
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I don't know much about Athena, but their workflow is sweet. Their pricing is different and if you already have an in-house biller; it is rather tough to go with them. The other downside and this is almost a dealbreaker for most EMRs, the demos are good, and the YouTube videos are OK, but there is nothing like kicking the tires. 30 days in a sandbox would be a good start forward given the cost and the committment.

Brewer, Maine

TheSnowDO #76754 06/06/2021 4:53 PM
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I find that all EMRs have their own way of allowing demos. For instance, Midpoint gives you a free year, Charm allows 50 encounters, some 30 days in a sandbox.

One of my Must Haves, although I am sometimes willing to look past it, are companies that do not allow you to kick the tires at all. They are selling an expensive and premium program (that probably has a one-year commitment) to you based solely on their polished demonstration.

AthenaHealth is a great example. I think it is one people love and love to hate. But, its workflow was very nice. But, if I played with it, I would likely disintegrate. Only by playing with it, can you have questions for their support or their trainers.

Most take 60 to 90 days to set up your workflow and templates, etc., which just shows how difficult it is. I am a little biased because I started with AC, which you can learn in less than a day.

Brewer, Maine

TheSnowDO #76755 06/06/2021 6:38 PM
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AC is simple to learn and easy to work with but wastes a lot of time. At least the version that I am stuck with, crashes half a dozen times for each user every day. The medicines get decodified and I have to open the chart and codify the medicine to process refills. Takes a while to write scripts and orders and to pull import items in large charts. Over the weekend, I volunteered at a clinic and wrote note in Athena. Writing prescriptions and placing orders was much quicker. It actually has order sets and panels.
We do inhouse billing and do not want to use their billing service.
Also, they mentioned that all my patient chart can be converted to PDF but I am not ready to do that yet.

TheSnowDO #76756 06/06/2021 7:59 PM
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Hi Naeem,

Many of the newer (and we are talking ten years or newer) have order sets and panels. I guess I would refer to these as semi-AI. Certainly AC has order sets but these order sets were coded 16 years ago. They are not CC, problem or diagnosis dependent. Most EMRs would allow you to configure certain questions, differentials and treatment protocols based on the overall problem or problems. I just liked the way Athena did it.

Now think (and this is in no fault to AC) how you can write Hypothyroidism in the order writer and spit out TSH, FT4, T3, etc. This overall process would likely take two or three days with adding many as you go. But, think about the difference of doing so vs a company like Athena spending three months building treatment plans, etc.

The human mind is just not capable of remembering everything for any condition or CC in general, but certainly not at the POC. I am doing abdominal pain and do stool testing and I just happen to forget calcoprectin, because I wasn't prompted. Or Celiac screen in the blood work section.

I took part in a 30-minute demo, so I am certainly not advocating for Athena.

I think what has hurt the EMR is all the bloatware they have added, trying to make it everything to everybody. AC was so successful in the beginning as it had a note writer, scheduler, prescription writer and letter writer. Maybe a couple of more things. I think those who were around can remember to the day and even to the Amazing Charts' User Conference where Practice Management was attempted which really threw a monkey wrench into everything.

Now, whether it is to compete or for government standards, most top of the line or even middle of the line or even low-end EMRs have included or as add-ons:

Electron Health Records
Integrated Telehealth
Practice Management
Patient Engagement
Medical Billing Platform
RCM services
Mobile Health Apps
Connect and Collaborate
Messengers to doctors
Messengers to patients
Patient Portals

Even telehealth. Now I won't argue that for some using Zoom to do telehealth calls is good and even superior to telemed visits. But, I basically use my telephone. I don't need their fancy, all-in-one, video set up.

Medent has 10 Video Categories and another 10 Video Tutorial Pages with recently added videos.

I realize they need most of this stuff to compete. But, the practice management is so woven into it and no way to separate it.

It reminds me of a Columbo episode with this classic scene. Columbo (Peter Falk) brougtht his old car into be fixed. He asked the mechanic how much it would be to have his roof, rear window, transmission, brake pads, head lights and the passenger side seat fixed. The mechanic told him $2,000. So, Columbo asked him how much it would be if he didn't do the roof. And, the mechanic tells him, it would be $1950.00. So, Columbo, without missing a beat, says, "Good, here's $50.00, fix the roof."

Brewer, Maine

TheSnowDO #76757 06/06/2021 9:27 PM
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Does anyone know of an electronic medical record SUITE that has integrated EMR/Practice Management/Sports betting, and a full section on how to manage your own bakery. Preferably all four would have customer portals with the ability to interact seamlessly with the others so that bakeries could communicate directly with bookies.

Brewer, Maine

TheSnowDO #76760 06/08/2021 11:06 AM
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How much is Athena / Seat?

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