Maybe it depends on where you are or what pharmacy. We used to stamp the old printed ones. We had three stampers with Do not fill until after August 1, ...... September 1......October 1, then after each month we would change them by moving August to November.
But, we found that too much work on EPCS having to type in two or three scripts and calculate the dates, etc.
So, we write for 1 of 3, 2 of 3, and 3 of 3.
ALL pharmacies accept it. All until Hannaford stopped. So, we told all of our patients our EMR doesn't interact with Hannaford correctly, so we can't send scripts to Hannaford. Approximately 20 patients have left Hannaford.
Community Pharmacies
Bangor Pharmacy
Miller Drugs
Riteaid (in the past)
We will send other drugs to Hannaford, but not CII through CIV drugs.
I learned this when the pharmacist I go to said to me, "Why do you type all of that do not fill....." It makes it harder on us when it is off and it makes it harder on you." This way the pharmacy does all the work. It's not like they don't check when it was prescribed last. So, the pharmacy gets three scripts. They fill the 1 of 3 on 2/8/2021. The patient comes back on 3/7/21 and the pharmacist looks and sees it has been 30 days or whatever and then looks in their is a "script on file." If there is, he or she fills the 2 of 3. They print out one hard copy as they must do, and three of them stay on the computer. So far, the pharmacies and the DEA have been cool with it. We leave the current med with "of 3)" so you edit by opening and adding a 1. Save. Edit put a 2. Save, etc. Takes about 7 seconds. You have to watch it when there are only two you are sending in.