The problem may be the invisible carriage-return chr(13) responsible for the blank line in the middle of your error message before Rare-use-of-alcohol.
Crystal Reports can choke on mismatched single-quotes, double-quotes, exclamation marks, and carriage returns.
It's expecting a block of data enclosed by double-quotes with your text internally separated only by '&chr(10)&' like this:
It looks as if a &chr(13) is smack in the middle of your data.
Can you use AC 8.3 to edit out the carriage-return/blank line before Rare-use-of-alcohol?
If not, you could shut down AC and the SQL on the server and use a hex editor to find and change the #13 to some ordinary character like x.
"This error means that there is an illegal character such as a " or ! or carriage return (Enter key) in some part of the transaction."
Historically, programs have fought over whether to use a carriage-return and line-feed (#13-#10), just a carriage-return (#13), and just a line-feed (#10) as the way to start a new line, so they choke when fed what they consider the wrong invisible characters.
Carl Fogel