Hi Bee,
I will do the best I can. First a few caveats. There are a few ways of sharing a folder with users, and I will try to keep it simple. You can make it VERY secure or not nearly as secure. With that in mind, some may offer advice or even disagree. There is no right or wrong. Most of it depends on what your are sharing. If you are sharing highly sensitive financial or other information, your share and permissions will be much tighter. Shares and permissions will allow you to do two things. Allow access to files and folders across a network or a computer and also to specify who can access it.
Quickly it is important to note the difference between share permissions and NTFS permissions or for this discussion sharing a folder and giving it permissions. Share permissions determine the type of access others have to the shared folder ACROSS the network. NTFS permissions determine the action users can take for a folder or file both across a network and locally.
You can look at it as two steps. First you have to share the folder. This allows users access to what is in the folder. If it isn't shared, then it can't be accessed and you have no reason to set permissions.
After sharing, you then set permissions for individual users or groups. Permissions are much more granular and give many more options as to what each user can do with a file.
Getting to your question, and talking specifically about this empty Excel template, the permissions do not need to be that secure. It really doesn't matter who has access to it. In fact, some people directly from Microsoft say giving everyone share rights is best practices, as you can set more secure permissions after.
Again, where you put the folder doesn't really matter. But, I would suggest it at least be on the main computer. Where you put it may also depend on whether you are using P2P or Client/Server, but it is still the same principle. So, for this discussion, let's put the folder on the root drive (generally the C: drive) of the main computer:
I have put a folder named AC Excel Template on the C:drive (I did add a folder called Permissions Demo mainly to not show all of my files and folders on C. So when you open that folder you will see the folder for your Excel sheet or whatever. It is there on the root drive and not shared.
![[Linked Image from amazingcharts.com]](http://amazingcharts.com/ub/attachments/usergals/2017/09/full-4-977-111.png)
Right click on the folder and select properties and the sharing tab to see your share options. You can use the regular sharing or advanced. I am just going to use the top one.
![[Linked Image from amazingcharts.com]](http://amazingcharts.com/ub/attachments/usergals/2017/09/full-4-978-150.png)
When you click on the top one, you get the File Sharing window. Right now you see Everyone in the dropdown box. It would just be blank, and you would use the dropdown arrow on the right to select a user or users. It would default to Everyone and Others. Again, you will have fewer headaches if you just let the share permissions be set to Everyone. If you don't set any other permissions, everyone on the network will have access to the folder.
![[Linked Image from amazingcharts.com]](http://amazingcharts.com/ub/attachments/usergals/2017/09/full-4-979-222.png)
So, I have selected Everyone. It will then want to know exactly what access it has. Owner, read or read/write. Some OS will say Co-owner. I would take co-owner if it is available. But, here I am limited to read/write
![[Linked Image from amazingcharts.com]](http://amazingcharts.com/ub/attachments/usergals/2017/09/full-4-980-333.png)
Once, you click Share, you see the folder and path that is shared:
![[Linked Image from amazingcharts.com]](http://amazingcharts.com/ub/attachments/usergals/2017/09/full-4-981-444.png)
Next we give the NTFS permissions. You will right click on the same folder and select the tab to the right. It is the Permissions tab. Here is where you can either let anyone access the folder or make the permissions very strict. The beauty of these permissions is that you can add anyone or any group to the top and then add or deny permissions to each. Here, you can see I added Everyone again and gave it full control. But, you could add groups for all users, a specific user, whatever. But, this will determine who has access and at what level. But, again, it is just an Excel spreadsheet. It isn't even going to have information on it.
![[Linked Image from amazingcharts.com]](http://amazingcharts.com/ub/attachments/usergals/2017/09/full-4-982-555.png)
It is key to realize that you are actually done here. The folder has read/write access for everyone, and you have given Full control to everyone or whomever you wish.
So, the next steps are up to you. I am just going to map it so it is always easy to find. You would select Map Network Drive on the Computer window on the computer with the folder and browse to it:
![[Linked Image from amazingcharts.com]](http://amazingcharts.com/ub/attachments/usergals/2017/09/full-4-983-667.png)
Browse to the shared folder:
![[Linked Image from amazingcharts.com]](http://amazingcharts.com/ub/attachments/usergals/2017/09/full-4-984-777.png)
Then select it:
![[Linked Image from amazingcharts.com]](http://amazingcharts.com/ub/attachments/usergals/2017/09/full-4-985-888.png)
When you click on the mapped drive, you see your file:
![[Linked Image from amazingcharts.com]](http://amazingcharts.com/ub/attachments/usergals/2017/09/full-4-986-999.png)
While this sounds confusing, only because I made it that way, basically you are:
Making a folder on the C: drive (just chose that drive -- again I added a sub-folder to protect some folders on my PC)
Right clicking and selecting Properties and Sharing. (A tip: Advanced sharing will give you higher permissions for Everyone -- it will give them Full Control)
Once the folder is shared, you right click again, choose properties and permissions and add whomever you want to have access. When you highlight that person or group or Everyone, the permissions in the bottom window will become apparent. For this exercise, I would make sure they are all checked. Check the top box, and all of them will be selected. (Do not tick a box in the deny column. Deny permissions always override Allow -- this is where you can see how granular you can get).
After closing the windows, you are essentially done.
Now when in AC, you can browse to the file and import it.
If you have any issues let me know.